Mana Phantom

The Mana Phantom is one creature in the Mana Stalker family. The Phantom looks like dark smoke from a wet fire. A noticeable difference is that this smoke never rises over 20 inches off the ground. Its method of motion is unknown to medieval society (it uses its stored energy to form micro-thermals). It is slow and usually not considered a threat to most creatures.
This type of Mana Stalker is only dangerous when an intended victim is asleep. The unsuspecting victim will not be aware of the creature’s attack. However, a traveler who is engulfed by a Mana Phantom only needs to place a piece of forged iron into the
Phantom’s mists to disrupt the creature. Some rumors state you can actually hear it scream upon doing so.
Because the Mana Phantom has no substance, but is rather an accumulation of mist, it is impossible to hit it with any physical weapon to cause damage.
For additional information on the Mana Phantom please see the Mystic Station Designs, LLC SkillSkape book entitled
“The Book of Creatures Volume One”