Continent of Vitainnia


  - Vitainnia Political Map

Country Name Primary Race Government Type Current Leader Capital Alliance
Talis Human and Centaurs Monarch, Emperor Rodden Carr Corbis Neutral
Aphane Humans and Wood Elves Council of Rule Council of Rule Thabes AON
Currerria Haeflins Monarch, King Jorggan Patois AON
Tel' Narra Dwarves and Humans Council of Rule Council of Rule Tel'na-Core AON

Defining History:

Roads to Revolution:
During the rein of Emperor Octavian Creen the first whose seat of power was located in what is now the country of Talis began a great road building project. These roads referred as the Emperors roads or the roads of the old empire connected all four coasts with each other. The roads took 350 years to build and Emperor Octavian Creen the 16th stopped the road construction after 18,000 miles of roads, walls, damns waterways were built.

Octavian the 16th thought the army and workers were better used to build him several great palaces and a great tomb that would allow him to walk up the stairs to heaven when it was his time. The people of the empire were deprived of food and drink. Octavian the 16th thought if his people truly believed in him they did not need food or drink. The people of the Vitainnian Empire revolted against the empire and the Emperor. During one of Octavian the 16th's favorite sport which he created called the two legged hunt he was killed by several archers and men at arms. It is said that he received a blow or arrow for each citizen of the empire he hard harmed. It is reported that his body was contained riddled with thousands of wounds.

This lead to several factions fought for control over the empire. After 15 years of civil war four independent countries were formed. The leaders of each country recognized the importance of the roads that were built during the empire. Road building is still an important part of the culture of the Vitainnia continent.

Important Crops:
The continent of Vitainnia has introduced two new food crops to the world. These two food crops were introduced in the last season of 1021 to most of the planet. The new crops are called Potatoes and Maze. These new crops come from all of the countries of Vitainnia. In addition to the food crops the farmers of Aphane and Talis have introduced a natural materials they call cotton. All of the countries of Vitainnia have agreed not to allow he seeds of these new crops to be sold, exported or taken to other lands. This agreement is part of the Maze treaty which regulates how, who and where the crops are to be shipped. It shoulders the responsibility of protecting the shipments by see to both Talis and Aphane. The agreement balances this out by placing the responsibility of gate and resources shipments on Tel-Narra and places the responsibility of trade negotiations and maintaining those agreements to the country of Currerria.

Overview of the Countries of Vitainnia:
The country of Talis is primarily comprised of human and centaur inhabitance that have learned to work together after the fall of the empire. During the reign of the Empire the centaurs were used as beasts of burden and were considered a lower form of life. This changed when a centaur saved the life of a human child. The father of the young child was the military governor of what is now Talis. He saw to it that conditions were improved for the centaurs and when the revolution came he drafted the Talis articles which stated that centaurs are equal to humans and elves. These articles are followed to this day.

The Talis Navy is the largest navy out of the four countries that comprise Vitainnia. The trade in the three money crops has permitted the Talis Navy to expand and build new ship fields to construct merchantmen as well as ships of war.

The city of Corbas is the capital of Talis and is located on the southern cost of Talis on the Sheltered Sea and is home of the Vitainnia defensive fleet. Ships from all four navies comprise the defensive fleet. The city of Corbis was the last capital city to have a gate portal constructed.

Aphane Hills

The country of Aphane is comprised mostly of humans and wood elves, which over the centuries have forged a strong bond. During the failed attempt of the Horde Broken Spear clan to destroy the shipyards at Freedom’s point the combined forces of the human and elves decimated the horde forces. This elves and humans created the city of Thabes near the great forest on the River Nari'. The city has been constructed with both human and elven architecture styles. The city is still growing and was made the capital of the country 120 years ago. The gate portal was completed at the city of Thabes 68 years ago.

Gateway to Currerria

The Haeflin run country is the center of trade and treaty negotiations for the continent. The first gate portal on the continent was constructed at Patois the capital of Currerria. The Haeflins of Curerria engage in information gathering tasks for the benefits of the treaty of Maze. They are part of the Fifth and Fourth Sphere of Haeflin influence. The country is ruled by King Jorggan

Gateway to Currerria at Mid-Summer

After the fall of the empire the human population of Tel'Narra encountered coming out of the Range of Thunder a clan of dwarves. The dwarves and humans began to trade with one another. Then 300 years ago the humans and dwarves formed the council of the rule of law effectively creating the current country of Tel'Narra. The capital city of Tel'na-Core was rebuilt with dwarven stone as a sign of their commitment to the country and the council. There are always five humans and five dwarves on the council. The first act that council passed was the approval for the construction of a gate portal.

The Gods of The Imperia Vitainnia
The Vitainnian Empire

The religion of the Imperia is very ritualistic and very concerned with omens and determining the will of the gods. It is also very concerned with influencing the will of the gods so that they are favorably inclined towards their worshipers on Alquennas. Much is made of the necessity of proper pious behavior as well as proper pious action at the proper times dictated by the priests. Sacrifice is required to keep things running smoothly and if things do not, then even the gods can be held to their "contractual" word and sacrifices can be withheld. Order, law, honor, and fidelity are among the most sacred virtues.

List of Gods:
The gods of the Imperia are listed below with their most common partner.
They are grouped into four groups:

The superior gods who are gods of the heavens and of thought.
The terrestrial gods who are concerned with the world around our daily lives and us.
The infernal gods who are the darker gods of the underworld and our baser natures.
The civic gods who watch over the world and maintain its order. On the other hand, they also mete out any needed punishments.

The Superior gods
Jupiter - Chief deity, king of the gods, sky and thunder god, King of the Heavens and airJuno – wife of Jupiter, goddess of marriage, Married Love, Duty, Childbirth, Heirs, Royalty. Queen of the Heavens.
Diana – Twin Sister of Apollo, Huntress, virgins, Children, childbirth, Painless and gentle release/death, the Lady Moon, Companion of Orion. Sibling of Trivia and Orion.Apollo – Sun God, Twin brother of Diana, god of light, enlightenment, music, the arts, knowledge, healing, skill, Master of the Muses. Quick but hard and painful release/death. Sibling of Trivia and Orion.
Trivia – goddess of crossroads, the harvest moon, mages, witchcraft, herbalism, portals, graveyards and torches and firelight. Twin sister to Orion, Sibling of Diana and Apollo, Bringer of fire & light to the people of Alquennas. Companion of Ceres.Orion – God of the Hunt, the Lord Moon, companion of Diana, Sibling of Diana and Apollo
The Terrestrial gods
Neptune - god of seas, oceans, storms, horses, and earthquakes, water. Husband of Salacia, King of the Seas, brother of JupiterSalacia – Wife of Neptune, Queen of the seas, all that lives beneath the seas, salt water, sea currents.
Bacchus – son of Jupiter, god of wine & drugs, revelry, debauchery, parties, festivals, truthCeres – Goddess of all that grows, especially all foods, Harvest, and Life. Sister of Jupiter, Companion of Trivia.
Vesta – goddess of the hearth and home – always present, always listening, mild, Sister of JupiterMercury – god of messengers, tricksters, merchants, deliveries, Heralds, Diplomacy, Language, communication.
Vulcan – god of artisanship, forging, and fire. Son of Juno, Husband of VenusMinerva – Goddess of Wisdom, Olives, home crafts & skills, victorious & virtuous battle, Daughter of Jupiter
The Infernal gods
Pluto – God of the underworld, brother of Jupiter, husband of Ceres' daughter Proserpine, riches, the unknown, the past, all that the earth contains, darkness.Proserpine – Wife of Pluto, Daughter of Ceres, goddess of nurturing, Queen of the Dead, Maiden of spring
Mars – God of War in all forms. Lover of VenusVenus – wife of Vulcan, lover of Mars, Erotic love and arts. All types of Beauty and pleasure
The Civic gods
Lares – These specific deities oversee a certain area. Usually a house or home. There are also estate, neighborhood, city, and state Lares. These spirits oversee and protect a specific place. They do not travel. It is possible to propitiate them or "buy them off" if one needs to take actions within an area.Genii – These are protective spirits of certain people or aspects of people. These spirits travel with the person they watch over. A male's Genii is his Genius, a female's is her Juno.
Manes – the Blessed Dead – honored ancestral spirits. These spirits were honorably buried and, at certain festivals, can be summoned to advise their descendantsLemures – the vengeful restless dead. These spirits mean active harm to the world above. Trivia is often invoked as protection against them.
