Blue Petite Desert Rose

(Magical Element, All rated MR 3)

This rare beauty hails from Terla where it can be found on the edges of the Ariddia. Legend stats that if a person that is crying in sadness smells the Blue Petite Desert Rose they will forget what caused them to cry in the first place.

If one gives a single long stem Blue Petite Desert Rose it is a sign of absolute devotion of the giver to the recipient. For this reason fathers have been known to give single long stem Blue Petite Desert Rose to their children after they are born. The late King of Azin Darius Nari' gave each of his children a single long stem Blue Petite Desert Rose upon their births. It is said but unconfirmed that Rene' Nari' has kept with this tradition.

Legend has it that if one enchants the blossoms of 13 Blue Petite Desert Roses, places them into a container of enchanted Rose water from White Roses and then steeps the mixture the resulting elixir if taken can reverse any spell or flaw that has forced the recipient to forget. It has been used for a cure with amnesia victims.

The blossoms of the Blue Petite Desert Rose cost 240 P per quantity outside of Terla. A single long stem Blue Petite Desert Rose costs 600 P per outside of Terla.
