1051 - The Year of The Unicorn

Year 1051 calendar

Welcome to the Year of the Unicorn
As the New Year begins, the northern hemisphere is locked in the midst of a cold and wet winter.
The southern hemisphere is currently experiencing one of the hottest summers in memory.

1st day of the year

The first day of the year is Mid Winter's Day in the northern hemisphere. There are reports of several winter storms that have covered entire countries and seas.

High King Rene' Nari' and High Queen Gwenhyfar Nari' announce the annual awards list of honors, arms, and patents of nobility for services rendered to them and to the people.

Among the recipients are:
Sir William Aday who has earned the Queen's Medal of Courage for courage in the Patronna campaign.

Sir Duncan Tully who has earned the Queen's Medal of Valor for Valor against unimaginable odds in Patronna.

Dame Janet Rippen who has earned the Queen's Medal of Courage for saving lives in Patronna with no regard for her life.

Adam Besterman and James Highland who have earned the Star of Azin with Clusters for saving the city of Kallon from a technological disaster.

The newest healing sanctuary of Dame Rose the Healer began construction just outside of the city of Kallon. Once completed, the healing Sanctuary in Kallon will be the 15th such sanctuary worldwide.

The tiny seaside town of Light Harbor on the Northern shores of Kenda reports that an iceberg sailed into the harbor overnight. The continent of Kenda is not in the normal path of the ice fields or even the stray icebergs. Upon further investigation, the iceberg was found to be comprised of Ice of the Sea Drake. The town elders have contacted the Kendan Council of Dukes to notify them of their find. Several national merchant's guilds have offered great sums of money for the right to mine the iceberg. The town elders are declining to comment further until they have heard from the Council.

2nd day of the year

The traditional Field Cross Game between the city of Azin and the province of Kent was held. After a game of regulation time, the Azin team won 1 to 0. Both teams played well.

The Second Wolf's Brigade of Aurora, while escorting the Tully family back to their home keep from Kallon, encountered a Hydra just west of the Varga Plantation. The Second Wolf's Brigade dispatched the Hydra and hunted down its nest. The brigade found 15 hatched eggs in the nest. Messengers were sent to the Varga Plantation and to the city of Kallon. Fortunately, injuries were light and no casualties occurred during the cleanup.

The country of Grand Oak, on the continent of Mednadda, reports that they have discovered an ancient Troll nest with remains of three Trolls. Upon further investigation, the remains are of one adult female and two adolescent males.

In a cultural exchange, the Ara of Azatar has left her daughter, granddaughter, and great-granddaughter behind as ambassadors in Azin. The stated purpose is to teach the people of Azin about the Azatarian culture and the goodness of the Azatarian people.

3rd day of the year

The Horde Immortal Challenge begins. This challenge is held every five years in the Calendar of the Horde. The winners form the backbone of the Horde's famed Immortal Units.

Heralds from Azatar state that the Sultan of Azatar has publicly denounced the Ara Ath Azatar. His reason is that she went to an infidel's party while her domain was under severe life threatening conditions. There has not been a response from the Household of Ara.

Lord Hector Elizondo of Trista sends heralds to all of the realms stating that he has ascended to the Throne of Trista with the support of the people. His wish is to open up talks with all countries of Alquennas for trade and good relations.

Reports from the Elven country of Kingdom of Tra-len report that they have apprehended a group of spies attempting to infiltrate and steal items from their archive of ancient relics. The group of seven Haeflins and two Dwarves will be tried.

5th day of the year

The country of Creal on the continent of Kenda reports that refugees are pouring over the border from the country of Sharinnon, their northern neighbor. The refugees are not being cooperative on why they are running from Sharinnon. The government of Creal sent a messenger to Sharinnon concerning this incident.

The country of Katonnan on the continent of Mednadda report that their miners discovered a rich vein of Green Flake Obsidian. They are in talks with the Dwarves of Stone's Rising for a mining contract.

The ruling council of the country of Kisda on the continent of the Northern Shield has voted to begin talks with Dame Rose concerning a healing sanctuary in their country.

6th day of the year

The clear overall champion of the Horde Immortal Challenge is Cur-Rok who is the first son and heir to the Horde's Royal family. The Judges consider this a good omen. There has not been an Heir to the Throne who had qualified as an Immortal since before the days of One-Eye. The Horde Chieftain and his wife are reported to be very proud of their son.

The Lord Mayor of Bethel reports that there was apparently an attack on the Guild House of the Mages Guild early this morning before sunrise. The structure itself is intact; however, the area just outside of its yard appears to have suffered great damage. Several of the neighboring structures are now up for rent or lease.

Sir Jordan David Reed, a knight from Azin in service to the Royal family, was traveling on an errand for the Royal family in Kenda when he came up upon a Reaper. A very larger Reaper, in fact. He was near the village of Mustan Shire. He could not allow the Reaper to harm innocent people. He charged the Reaper with his short lance. He managed to kill the Reaper; however, his horse paid the price. In appreciation for his honorable deed, the Dukes of Kenda gave him 50 superior War Horses and 100 Superior Draft Horses.

7th day of the year

Gregoria opens its third annual Open Mage's Competition. This weeklong competition has attracted Users of Magick from around the world. Notable Mages in attendance include Rygel ath Azin, Dr. Pratt ath Aroria, Puggles Dillweed, Mikhaila Isis Isabel Katrina Nari', and Rebecca ath Azin to name a few. The Duchess of Kent and her daughter Ashlyn are also present. It had been the Duchess' intent to compete but she has been asked to assist in the judging of the Competition. This is the first time that a judge has been seated on the review panel who hailed from outside of Gregoria, not to mention the first non-human judge. The Duchess accepted the honor with the provision that she not be allowed to sit in judgment of her daughter's competitions so as to maintain impartiality.

The country of Frenton on the continent of Fyngel reports that they have translated another text from the Temple of the Blood King. It appears to be a series of receipts for transactions. These transactions include purchases of grain, iron ore, and wax.

Reports from the Chai fields of Fyngel state that the crop for TK 1051 looks better than it has for over five years. Fyngel will start their normal export of Chai for the year in 30 days.

8th day of the year

Kingdom of Tra-len reports that they have freed the group of Haeflins and Dwarves that were accused of espionage on the 3rd day of the year. The government of the Kingdom of Tra-len reports that it was a mistake.

The Gregorian Finishing School in Arsmess in Gregoria announces that they have a record enrollment of over 800 students. They normally have an enrollment of 500 students each term.

9th day of the year

The city of Bethel in the province of Kent in the country of Azin reports that three of the city guards were attacked early this morning. The guards were patrolling the outer areas of the city, just past the main gates, when they were attacked. It is not know by what or by who the guards were attacked. The report continues to state that all of the guards should make full recoveries.

The government of Carwin has announced that the city that has sprung up around the Temple of the Blood King is being renamed the City of Freeport. The Freeport government has installed a new leader in Freeport, Duke Richard Bench, formerly of Trista, has agreed to rule and keep the City of Freeport in order. The first item of business for Duke Bench is to organize and refurbish the port and harbor of Freeport.

The leader of the island nation of Elba, Gerald Ridden the third, sent a message to all of the member nations of the Alliance of Nations (AON) a message thanking them for their support in TK 1050 during some trying times. As a thank you, he has sent ten pounds of chocolate to each leader. The island nation of Elba is a neutral country that was attacked in TK 1050 and the AON sent fleets to assist them. The island nation of Elba is still considered neutral. However, they have made the first steps towards joining the AON.

10th day of the year

The city of Sepren in the country of Aphane reports that an unknown ship drifted into their harbor this morning. The ship is intact, with no crew or signs of a crew on board. The ship has five masts and is over 300 feet in length. Officials in the city reported that they are currently investigating the craft and its history.

The Kels Plantation in Kenda reports that they have begun crossbreeding Quarter Horses with Terlan Horses. The result is a horse that can run all day while carrying a great deal of weight. They currently have 20 of these hybrid horses. They believe they can give the Varga Plantation in Azin a run for the best horses on Alquennas.

11th day of the year

The country of Currerria on the continent of Vitainnia reports that the Guild House for the Brewer's Guild in the capital city of Patois exploded this morning. No one was injured. However, over 400 individuals were injured. The cause of the explosion is unknown. Investigators found one of the brewing kettles was found one mile away from the building. The kettle measures 15 feet high by 11 feet wide and is made of copper. The bottom of the kettle has scorched marks on it.

The head of Hatters' fine hats and cloaks, which has four locations throughout Azin and Moshven, has announced that due to an unexpected windfall, they will be opening up two more locations and reducing their prices.

12th day of the year

Duchess Lysia Davenport Aphane announces that she is funding a Magical Engineering University at the city of Devonshire that is within her domain.

The head of the Obsidian Shark Clan of the Horde has sent a message to all realms. The message stated that two of their new fleets would be performing military exercise off the southern coast of Cimmeran. Each fleet has over 900 ships in their complement. Normally, a horde fleet has 600 to 700 ships. The fleets are designated as the Horde First Domination Fleet and the Second Domination Fleet.

13th day of the year

The Lord Mayor of Bethel reports that the Guild House of the Merchant's Guild has been disassembled. All of the stones where removed from the structure and laid out in a line along the street.

The country of Stone's Rising reports that the small village of Lee ath Honah was hit by a severe storm from the sea. A warning of one of the Drakes in the area saved the residents of the village.

The country of Alima on the continent of the Southern Shield reports that a Wraith class ship washed up on their shores. The cargo hold was full of containers. The containers have a variety of materials in them. These materials include Wine, silks, and many other luxury items.

14th day of the year

The Open Mage's Competition held in Gregoria has ended.

The following awards were earned:
David Pike of Kenda and Cassandra Devrow of Terla are presented with highest honors in the Magical Weaving Category. They tied after a 20-hour battle.

Steven Man of Realm of the Azul-Valley wins the all-around Grand Magical Duel.

Dr. Pratt ath Aroria wins the Magical Theory Category.

Mikhaila Isis Isabel Katrina Nari' wins the Spell Combination Category.

Rygel ath Azin wins the Magical Speed Competition.

Puggles Dillweed wins the Magical Construction Category.

Trent Comen of Trista wins the Warding Category.

Ysa ath Alquennas wins the Spell Research Category.

Ashlyn ath Kent wins the Defensive Arts Category.

Alic Toumade wins the mystical hypothesis category, also known as the origins of Magick.

The Grand Master of Magick for TK 1050 is Rygel ath Azin for the second year in a row.

It is note that Lance Strong of Trista was not present at the Open Mage's Competition this year. He won the Spell Research Category last year.

The government of Azatar sent a letter to the Crown of Azin requesting that the family of Ara ath Azatar be returned before they are corrupted. The response from the Crown of Azin was simple. They sent a messenger to Ara of Azatar to see what she wishes.

The Azin Southern Fleet began its yearly maneuvers in and around the 12 Score Island Chain.

15th day of the year

Famed playwright Robin Thatcher has teamed up with a bard named Thomas Smutch on writing what Robin has coined a musical adaptation of one of his plays.

The Lord Mayor of Bethel reports that two guards were dragged off from their posts by a creature last night. The remains of the guards were found two miles from the city’s northern gate.

Moshven reports that two more Wine Class ships have been completed and have begun their shakedown cruise.

The Merchant Prince of Traden on the continent of Mednadda has signed a lucrative trade agreement with the island nation of Trista.

16th day of the year

Reports from the city of Bethel in the province of Kent in the country of Azin state that several tons of materials and good are missing from several warehouses, including the Queen's warehouses.

The country of Bryagel reports that their ship growers have come up with a new design for controlling a ship. It combines the traditional rudders in the back and a rudder under the keel of the ship. They are working on a prototype at this time. They should be ready to test the prototype in 40 days.

Reports from the Dutchwood mining company working near the city of Trinity Wells say that they have discovered another vein of Tin.

17th day of the year

The island nation of Corsica announced that they have discovered over 1,000 jars filled with scrolls topped with honey in a cave. The Scrolls are written in ancient Kingdom. Since the native language of Corsica is Pacfin, they are requesting assistance in the translation.

The Crown of Azin receives a reply message from Ara of Azatar stating that her family is fine in Azin. She goes on to comment that the cultural exchange is very important to her people and she believes it is important to the people of Azin and recommends that the exchange continue.

18th day of the year

The island nation of Korrin, in the southern hemisphere, has sent messengers to the member nations of the Trista Confederation. What the messages contained is unknown.

Three Rogue class ships south of Kenda attacked the Dark Fin, a Horde Specter class warship. A small squadron (four) of Azin warships assisted the Dark Fin in destroying the Rogue class ships.

19th day of the year

The brewers of Stone's Rising have made a superior batch of ale and transformed it into Dragon Ale. They have sent samples to several countries and establishments for review.

The country of Grand Oak on the continent of Mednadda report that their Queen is again with child. This is the third pregnancy for Elven Queen Kyra Anoreia in 70 years.

20th day of the year

A Squadron of Kendan Warships engaged three Rogue class ships in the Sea of Kenda. The squadron lost 14 ships and one of the Rogue class ships escaped. The other two Rogue class ships sank in deep water.

In the city of Bethel on the morning of the 20th day, it was discovered that the armory in the citadel was broken into and all of the metal was melted into a pile of slag. This rendered all of the weapons useless. Additionally, a shipment from MacMoy mining company that was to leave today has gone missing.

The Shire of Winds, the capital of Frenton, announces that they have translated another text from the Temple of the Blood King. It appears to be a ledger of amounts owed to the Blood King from several tens of thousands of people.

22nd day of the year

The Council of Rule in the country of Talis asks Baron Victor von Kismetton of the city of Ionnia to become the newest member of the Council.

From the Ocean of Sand (Ariddia), a caravan bore witness to an epic battle between a Fire Drake and a Giant Sand Worm. The Sand Worm was over 400 feet in length and did not give up the fight too easily. In the end, the Fire Drake won and took half of its meal with him. The caravan was able to acquire most of what was in the Sand Worm’s gullet. As a result, the 190 members of the caravan have quit their jobs and are all retiring quite happily.

Reports from the Independent States of Kallor state that some of their farmers have experimented with the crop Maize this year and it has yielded a bumper crop. The crop was then dried for storage. The farmers have experimented with different farming techniques and have found several that allow the maize to grow without robbing the land of the ability to grow other crops. The government of Kallor is planning an international convention on farming on the 200th day of the year in TK 1051. Farmers of all nations are being welcomed and encouraged to participate and share information.

23rd day of the year

The Lord Mayor of Bethel in the county of Myra in the province of Kent in the country of Azin has issued a report:

A single group of individuals calling themselves the Sinister 9 caused the recent issues that my fair city has undergone. They have not been linked to any government or alliance at this time.

The Lord Mayor's report continued to state that the city of Bethel has lost an entire year's work due to the issues that were caused by this group. The Lord Mayor concluded that thanks to the help of the people the Duchess of Kent sent the issues were a great deal smaller than they could have been.

There is a Report from Sir William Aday from Patronna:

The Thunder has rolled over the undead forces in the former Dwarven province of Patronna. With the assistance of my engineers and the Horde engineers, there is a wall being constructed to keep out the undead in that area.

Additionally, we have regained another 30 miles of land in the Azinian settlement area.


William Aday

The country of Aphane on the continent of Vitainnia reports that a pair of Reapers was found digging in a farmer's field. The farmer had never seen a Reaper and thought the creatures were merely ugly dogs, albeit very large and very ugly dogs. The farmer tried to get rid of the Reapers with his wooden pitchfork. After several successful hits on the Reapers' backs with the pitchfork, the Reapers noticed. The Reapers broke the pitchfork and went back to digging in the field. The farmer's wife went into town and got the Aphane Guards stationed there. When the guards arrived at the field, the farmer was filling in the hole in the ground. The Reapers had just stopped digging and left. The guards named the farmer the luckiest man alive, at least in Aphane.

24th day of the year

The country of Currerria reports that, while searching for a suitable piece of marble stone for his sculpture project, famed Currerrian Sculptor Ralph Magino discovered an ancient unfinished sculpture of the God of Thunder and Goddess of Lightning. He has convinced the government of Currerria to move the piece to the capital city where it must be displayed for the world to see.

Greater Fyngel announces that their Monarch, Queen Alayna, is with child. This is her fourth pregnancy since she ascended to the crown. The True Elves of Greater Fyngel see this as a great sign of her power.

Daily Carson, a silk merchant from Moshven, announces that he will begin selling both normal and spider silk at lower prices. He claims to have enough silk to outfit the entire Horde Guard.

25th day of the year

An assassin's arrow just missed the Duke of The City of Winds in Kenda. The assassin was tracked down. He was found dead by his own hand. He had a purple scarf in his belongings.

The Oracle of Terla sent a message to the Duchess of Aurora, Megan Tully. The contents of the message are unknown.

The city of Sterling in the county of Myra has announced that they are using slag brick to re-brick their crucibles, as it will require them to re-brick every 100 to 125 pours and not every 7 pours.

27th day of the year

The Island of Mists reports that they have discovered a great source of Quartz crystals in very large formations. One polished example is a spectacular piece. It is a 3,500 Ct sphere with three small legs all carved out of Crystal. It is being called the Eye of Mists.

Reports from the Dwarven country of Gemsten on the Fyngel continent reports state that their capital city of Carven-Loth was the scene of much confusion. An illusionary image of an Undead Fire Drake appeared at the open market. It turned out to be a prank from a few Dwarves studying at the Mages University.

The country of Grand Oak on the continent of Mednadda report that another hunting Band of Trolls has been found. The 15 male Trolls in this Hunting Band acted very unusual. They did not use the natural terrain to blend into the surroundings as they normally would. It was easy to track them, La' Tan the Elven tracker reported. The Trolls were dealt with.

28th day of the year

Reports from the country of Kavendar on the continent of Terla state that a great sandstorm began to cover their port city of Keefen in Kelpen Province. As the storm gathered strength, visibility went down to zero. One of the city's Users of Magick determined that it was not a natural storm and attempted to counter the storm. She began placing air walls up and found that several mercenaries were in the city. She sounded the alarm and for the next 10 hours, the control of the city was uncertain. Haeflin troops from neighboring cities began to Gate Portal into the city to defend Kavendar's sovereign soil. The city remains in Kavendarian hands.

The country of Talis located on the continent of Vitainnia reports that the ship fields in the city of Rhodes-Carren are now operational once more.

Byron Main, a merchant from Trinity Wells, has sent an open invitation to any metal merchants to join him at a conference that he is holding in Trinity Wells on the 110th day of the year. The conference will have many topics. Some of these topics are:
Transporting Metals, Harvesting Metals, and Magical Interference in the industry among other topics.

29th day of the year

The city-state of Kreeden reports that they have refined one of their language keys for the language of the Temple of the Blood King. They are willing to discuss renting of this key.

The port city of Jaffa-Kar reports that a waterspout formed over the harbor. After 20 minutes, the waterspout dissipated. The damage to the harbor will take over a week to repair and cost around 500 crowns. The Horde government is investigating this incident. It is unclear if the waterspout was natural or was created with magick.

The Harbor Master of the Port of Silk reported that two merchantmen ships registered to Kenda left the Port of Silk this morning. The only problem is that their crews were not on board. When the captains reported this, it was over four hours after the ships had left.

30th day of the year

Phillip Darcy announces that, in order to promote trade & travel across Azin, he is sending out teams of surveyors, engineers, and standards enforcers to verify the conditions of roads making up the Royal highways and the canals.

These teams will also be verifying that proper facilities for rest, communication, and refreshment are present at the minimum distances required by law and that they are up to acceptable standards and sanitary conditions.

This Surveyor's Bureau will be overseen by one Sir Duncan de Hynez who will report directly to Phillip himself. Sir de Hynez has been heard to comment that he will consider requesting personal code enforcement by the "Inn-Burners" if need be.

The government of Unadrian reports that six of their merchantmen ships have been stolen right out of their own harbor. They are currently investigating.

The government of Azatar has announced that, after great consideration, they are going to open up access for certain areas of international trade. One of these areas is the pearl industry in which Azatar excels. The other areas are Lamb and Sheep exporting and fine woven cotton and wool exporting. There is even a rumor that diamonds from the Ocean of Sands might be exported or at least be under negotiations to be exported.

31st day of the year

The government of Tel' Narra reports that they will be able to begin the export of a Superb Dwarven Ale next month due to a new agreement of the Brewing Clan in their country. Samples are being sent to governments and establishments.

Reports from the Ship Fields of Bryagel state that two merchantmen ships that were just completed are now missing. These ships were to be delivered to Kenda. The government of Bryagel is currently investigating.

The country of Istas located on the continent of the Southern Shield report that a pod of over 100 blue whales traveled past their waters this morning. This is the wrong time of year for their migration to the waters off the Southern Shield. 32nd day of the year In the city of Dresden in the country of Valinnia, members of the Blacksmiths’ Guild have fashioned a hammer that is connected to a water wheel to help in the foundries and smithies of Dresden. Smiths and Dwarves throughout the realms of Alquennas are watching this experiment with interest.

The Horde merchant vessel, The Crimson Hauler, was stolen from its berth in the country of Kenda. The Horde is sending an inquisitor to Kenda to determine who and how this was done.

The government of Stone's Rising announces that a single Dragon Egg has hatched this day. The dragon took four hours to emerge. The Dragon is a Forest Drake.

The island country of Elden reports a fleet of 100 Rogue Class ships sailed past their island. The ruler of Elden, Low King George Thurman the first, has stated that he dispatched a ship to keep an eye on the fleet and will try to determine their destination.

33rd day of the year

The city-state of Kreeden reports that someone attempted to steal their new key to the language of the Blood King. In an operation to catch the ring of thieves that have been trying to steal all of the materials recovered from the Temple of the Blood King, and in association with the government of Carwin, a sting operation was put into place. The operation resulted in 30 perpetrators being caught. They will be tried on both continents.

The government of Verdar announces that they have discovered that three of their merchantmen ships are missing. They are investigating how and when they disappeared. The ships were filled with cloth and spice cargos. All of the crews have been accounted for and none of them have any idea on what happened. The harbor in which the ships were located had a security patrol that cannot remember when they noticed the ships missing, or if they ever did notice.

The country of Katonnan located on the northern shore of the continent of Mednadda reports that a group of Reapers landed on the north shore early this morning. The 40 Reapers then broke up into groups of two and headed south. The Katonnan Defense Force is currently mobilizing to deal with the Reapers. The Dwarves of Stone's Rising are sending troops to assist in this crisis.

34th day of the year

The country of Gregoria announces that they will be re-arranging taxes and governmental offices and officers over the next few months. This decision has taken over a year to make. The Wizard's Council understands the confusion that this might cause within and outside of the country.

The island nation of Corsica reports that 500 barrels washed up on their shores this morning. The barrels are filled with a very fine wine. These barrels did not have any markings on them. Diviners estimate the barrels have been at sea for over 70 years.

Davis Renton, the Azin military Governor of the island of Lushland, reports that, for a lack of a better word, a fleet of merchantmen sailed past the island this morning. They were flying a banner of a field purple with a golden crown over a silver skull and crossbones. They are being called the Purple Scarf Pirates

Heralds from Katarina Abbey happily announce the Birth of a daughter to the Abbot General wife. Thora Ellime' Katrina ath Azin came into this world with the heart and lungs of a Dwarven knight. The heralds continued to announce that the father, the Abbot General of the Stone Knight order based there, survived the experience without a scratch from his wife.

The Second Fleet of Aurora (Azin Navy) engaged 230 Rogue Class Ships in the Sea of Kenda. The Kendan Sea Lancer fleet joined in the battle. The Rogue Fleet left the battle after loosing 120 of their ships. The Azin and Kenda Fleets lost five ships each. The myth that the Rogue Class ships can not be beaten is over.

Riverdale in the country of Bryagel on the continent of Bryagel reports that their river patrol discovered 30 abandoned river barges near the harbor entrance of Riverdale. The barges were empty.

35th day of the year

The government of Kisda on the continent of the Northern Shield reports that four meteors struck near their village of Neuge (nay-udge) about ten miles from their capital city. The sky rocks weigh 400 pounds in total.

The city of Drillen in the Region of Honor in the Province of Battle on the continent of Cimmeran reports they have discovered a tomb that was created during the time of the Blood King. There are several references to the Blood King written on the walls and on tablets in the Tomb. The regional ruler stated that there is no true memory of this tomb or its contents in the racial memory of the Horde. The regional ruler sent a message not only to the high chieftain of the Horde but also to members of the Alliance of Nations and the Alquennas Trade Association.

The Kingdom of Tra-len on the continent of Kenda reports that a firestorm swept through six miles of fields this morning. Since the crops have not even been planted, as it is too early, this was a sign of good things to come for this year

36th day of the year

The government of Kisda sends ten pounds of the sky rocks to the Horde Chieftain and his wife and also to the High King and High Queen of Azin. The Kisda government's stated reason for sending the sky rock gifts was that they were sent out of gratitude to both royal houses for what they have done in the past year.

The isolationist country of Vivandar on the continent of Mednadda reported to the crown of Azin that 4,500 Clanless Grand Orcs attempted to gain access to their country at their border with the country of Gregoria. The defense force of Vivandar eliminated the threat.

The country of Realm of the Azul-Valley on the continent of Terla reports that highwaymen attacked a caravan carrying spices leaving for Kavendar. The highwaymen killed all 170 members of the caravan and took their entire cargo. The highwaymen even killed the horses and oxen of the caravan. The highwaymen left a purple scarf on the pile of bodies.

The government of Azul-Valley has offered a 6,000 crown bounty on the leaders of the Purple Scarf Gang.

37th day of the year

The Realm of Sea Fair announces that they have discovered a rich giant clam field in their international waters. They will regulate how many giant clams can be harvested each year as well as the methods to be used for the harvest. Giant clams never stop growing. The current record for the giant clams of Terla is a clam whose meat weighed 75 lbs.

The Alquennas Trade Alliance diplomatic ship, the "Good Fortune", was attacked by the flagship of the pirate Gold Sword, the Sable Hind. The pirates took the "Good Fortune". The crew and passengers of the "Good Fortune" were stripped and put on long boats. They were set adrift two days from the continent of Terla. When they arrived in Terralen, the senior member of the Alliance Trade Association demanded that the Duchess of Terralen sent her entire fleet to track down their stolen ship.

The Duchess of Terralen laughed and then pointed to a ship that was moored behind her. It was the "Good Fortune". The Duchess of Terralen stated that a group of sailors sailed her in and sold her to the Duchy. The senior member of the Alquennas Trade Association demanded that the Duchess return their ship fully provisioned. The Duchess laughed once more. She stated that she would offer him and his crew hospitality until they get passage out of her country. However, the ship she would keep. The ship was hers, as she paid for it.

The senior member of the Alquennas Trade Association threatened the Duchess. Her Saurian: Dragon Kin guards did not appreciate his attitude. The senior member of the Alquennas Trade Association and his crew are currently waiting for passage out of Terralen in the jail of the Duchess.

39th day of the year

The Dukes of Kenda are meeting to discuss changing their government's organization. Currently during a time of crisis, one of the dukes is named dictator of Kenda until the crisis is over. The issue currently is determining when a "crisis" is over. It is one of many questions that need to be answered.

The Field Cross game between Draconic Splendor and the city of Lords in Valinnia was canceled due to a tornado appearing over the field. The game will be re-scheduled.

The ruling council of Sharinnon on the continent of Kenda has announced that they are creating two positions in their government. The first is a scribe position to record events of history and the second is a master of lore dealing with accounts for the country. These two positions will be permanent, not like similar positions that were created in the past.

45th day of the year

The government of Verdar on the continent of Kenda reports that the merchant's guild of their country has been swindled out of 8,000 crowns worth of goods and services as well as hard currency. The majority was stolen and swindled over a deal concerning dark metal and sheep.

The Independent States of Kallor has announced to the rest of realms of Alquennas that they are building a grand navy and army in order to protect their neutrality and freedom. They are not canceling or breaking any current trade agreements at this time.

The country of Unadrian on the continent of Mednadda reports that they have captured part of a Rogue Class ship after their fleet defeated it. They have part of the bow and mid section of the top deck. They are offering to allow any nation to examine the pieces.

55th day of the year

The section of the Ariddia (Ocean of Sand) between the countries of Azatar and Terralen was host to a grisly discovery by a patrol from Terralen. The patrol discovered 15 human bodies - all of them executed by means of a stone knife through the ear. The blades were made of flint with wooden handles.

A land quake shook the inhabitants of the city of Dawn out of bed this morning. Only minor damage and minor injuries were reported.

Playwright Robin Thatcher has completed a new play entitled "Changeling, a Love story between night and day." It is a dark comedy. Thatcher will begin auditions for the play when he returns from his trip to Aroria with his troop of players. It is rumored that they will perform the greatest love story (Darius and Katrina).

60th day of the year

William Aday, Duke of Patronna, reports that the combined Azinian and Horde forces have begun to lay siege to one of the dark fortresses. The area the dark fortress resides in is in the former Elven territory. The Walking Thunder is assisting in this endeavor. Additionally, a rich vein of green flake obsidian has been discovered in the Human controlled lands on Patronna.

The Island of Mists reports that a pod of Great Whales (blue whales) have been discovered traveling through the River of Mists. The pod contains 40 animals.

63rd day of the year

Reports from the country of Carwin on the continent of Xendarna state that the city around the Temple of the Blood King has reached a population of 2.5 million inhabitants. The government of Carwin is assigning additional troops in the area.

A joust held in the city of Easthold in the province of Easthold in the country of Azin ended without any of the contestants being injured severely. The winner of the joust was Sir Byron ath New Edo.

The country of Currerria on the continent of Vitainnia in the southern hemisphere reports bumper crops for their last harvest of the season. They will be able to export several thousand tons of grains and fruit crops this year.

65th day of the year

In the farm fields of Kallon, several farmers preparing the land all agree they witnessed a divine sight. As the report from the Duke of Kallon states, over 50 farmers and their farm hands witnessed as a beautiful woman in gray walked into the fields and gathered them all up in a circle. She then began to speak in a soft and musical voice. She asked them if they could remember her words exactly. They all nodded "yes". The lady in gray then spoke the following words to the farmers and their farm hands. "Knowledge is the tool of the light and darkness fears the light." She then presented the head farmer with a stone with a glyph carved upon it. All of the farmers and their hands stated that after she presented the stone to them, she was gone. The farmers called upon the city guard to present the stone to their duke. The Duke of Kallon sent messengers to the Duchess of Kent and to Lord Rygel ath Azin.

The island nation of Elden reported that a fleet of Rogue class ships harassed their island nation for several houses. The court mages were able to persuade the ships to leave the area.

The country of Fyngel reports that their ship fields are currently producing at full capacity and that they cannot accept any additional orders at the moment.

66th day of the year

The annual one-day celebration of Carnival for the religion of the One True God begins in several countries. This is the eve of the celebration of the Day of Ashes that begins the season of Lent on the calendar of the Religion of the One True God.

One of the amazing celebrations is in the city of Kallon in the country of Azin. A parade is held each year. This year there were floats, with some measuring over 100 feet long by 20 feet wide. The streets of Kallon are only 40 feet wide. The floats have many different designs from that of the coming of Spring to religious aspects to celebrations of life and everything in between.

One of the other amazing celebrations is at the Port of Spice in the country of Moshven that closes down nine blocks for the parade of dancing and music each year. It has been estimated that over 500,000 participated in this year's dance parade.

The government of Moshven announces that their ship fields and shipyards are available for producing additional ships at this time.

Duke William Aday of Patronna sends a message to the High King of Azin, Rene' Nari', stating that they have discovered hundreds of books in the dark fortress to which they laid siege. Duke William Aday is requesting Lore Masters and Scholarly Mages to determine what secrets these books contain.

67th day of the year

The Island of Mists reported that three ships carrying cocoa have been attacked. Gold Sword, the pirate, has taken the ships. The shipment was bound for Azin.

The dwarves of the Forked Mountains announce that they have devised an efficient method of drawing wire that does not require the use of beasts of burden in the process. They have harnessed the power of a water wheel and a great spool to draw the wire from the blocks. The dwarves are also utilizing the power of a water wheel to braid cable and to create rope on a rope run.

The government of Azatar announces that they have caught several spies from other countries on Terla. These spies will be tried and if (when) found guilty will be publicly executed.

Reports from the capital of Kenda state that a caravan was stolen on the Duke's Road. The only things still found that remained alive were the 150 caravan workers. However, they were bound and gagged. On the road next to the caravan workers were the letter S and the digit 9 burned into the road.

The City of Dawn on the continent of Mednadda reports that another unexplained explosion rocked the citizens of the city state early this morning. There are no reports of anyone being injured. The explosion was centered four miles north of the city.

The government of Katonnan located on the continent of Mednadda is happy to announce that their herders will be able to export wool out of the country for the first time since the Fourth War with the Horde.

The island nation of Elden in the southern hemisphere reports an eruption of their sea volcano Mount Pellen. Several dozen fishermen had to leave the area as the waves caused by the eruption made safe navigation on the ocean impossible. The damage to sea side structures is estimated to be over 2,100 Crowns.

69th day of the year

The Abbot General of the Abbey of Katrina announces that they have a new novice in their order. The wood elf is from the Silver Oak of Azin. This is the first elf that has been granted entrance into the Stone Knights of Katrina Abbey.

The Horde harbor city of Jaffa-Kar announced that the first ship of the Phantom Class Warship has been launched. The design is believed to be superior to any design currently in use. The Phantom, the first ship of the class, has begun its shakedown cruise.

The Council of Chiefs of the country of Sharinnon located on the continent of Kenda sent a message to the government of Katonnan that Sharinnon will be happy to purchase all the wool they can export for a fair price.

A report from Philip Darcy, the Adviser of Roads and Waterways of Azin, states the Great Canal project is proceeding ahead of schedule. The western Great Canal has gone 25 miles from Lake Placid (its starting point). They were scheduled to be at 20 miles at this time. The eastern Great Canal has completed 18 miles from lake Train-Ta and was scheduled to have completed 15 miles. The good weather and the determination of the work crews have been credited for this project’s success.

70th day of the year

The city of Harborview in the country of Valinnia on the continent of Mednadda repots that an Arcane Elemental attacked the warehouse district. Several warehouses were destroyed. It is estimated that over 1,200 Crowns worth of damage was caused in ten minutes. After the attack, the creature left. Soldiers from Harborview followed the creature for six miles and it simply disappeared.

The Lord Mayor of Kallon is proud to announce that famed inventor and artificer Artimus Goddard Davis of Kallon has invented a new type of clock that uses escapement mechanic powered by what the inventor is calling a balance wheel. The Lord Mayor continued to state that the inventor has created a new type of spring to allow this device to work. The first of these new clocks is being placed in the government building of the city of Kallon. The Lord Mayor concluded by stating that no one or animal was hurt during the construction of the first clock.

The Dwarves of Gemsten on the continent of Fyngel have discovered another vein of Green Flake Obsidian on their border with Frenton. They have negotiated with the Haeflin council to mine the discovery together.

The country of Istas on the continent of the Southern Shield reports that water spouts numbering over 30 have made landfall on their eastern shores. The water spouts lasted for over an hour and were aimlessly traveling the coast in uninhabited areas.

73rd day of the year

The True Elf Queen of Greater Fyngel, Alayna the First, recalls all of her ambassadors and foreign diplomats. They are to return home to Greater Fyngel with their families as soon as possible.

The Salt convoy from Terralen to The Independent States of Kallor was interrupted by members of the Purple Scarf gang. The Purple Scarf gang was stopped by the troops from Terralen. Over 150 members of the Purple Scarf gang have been taken prisoner.

The Dwarves of Stone's Rising announced that three dragon eggs have hatched. The infants are:

A Fire Drake
A Water Drake
A Forest Drake

A report from the Turtle Island Chain in the southern hemisphere states that the annual turtle landings have begun. The Haeflin government of the island chain has counted over 50,000 turtles of average size (1 1/2 feet to 4 feet long), 150 large turtles (5 feet to 10 feet long), 100 very large turtles (11 feet to 20 feet) and 300 huge turtles (20 + feet). Once the turtles lay their eggs, they will begin to go back into the ocean. The Haeflins harvest turtles after they lay their eggs. The government of the Turtle Island Chain does not permit the harvesting of the very large or huge turtles.

The Island nation of Blue Coral Island sent an invitation to High King Rene' Nari' to send a representative to their nation to discuss future trade relations with the island nation. High King Rene' Nari' is sending Lady Visa ath Azin to represent Azin in these discussions.

74th day of the year

The cod season is underway in Moshven. In TK 1050, Moshven exported over forty thousand tons of salted cod to Kenda alone. Cod is one of the major industries for western Moshven.

The Dwarves of Stone's Rising have released the names of the three infant Dragons. The names are:

Amber the Fire Drake
Kelci the Water Drake
Robin the Forest Drake

The city state of Koalh on the continent of Cellenda has begun a new public works project. They are building a series of canals to link several of their towns together for the purpose of irrigation and transport. This project has been inspired by the Azin Great Canal project currently underway.

The Island nation of Trista reports that their small navy intercepted and destroyed 25 Rogue Class Ships in the Sea of Kenda. Trista reports they lost three ships in the battle.

Greater Fyngel announces that they recalled their ambassadors and foreign diplomats to provide all of them with essential information on some policy changes that the royal crown on Greater Fyngel has made. The diplomats and ambassadors will be returning to their posts shortly.

The island nation of Elden located in the southern hemisphere announces that it is leaving the Confederation of Trista and, for the time being, will be neutral in all aspects.

75th day of the year

The Horde reports that a giant squid has been discovered in the eastern mouth of the Ob-T'ag (river of Heaven). The giant squid was attached to a Wraith class warship, the Repp' Ta (Sea Predator), as it came home from patrol. The squid is enjoying the rich sea life in the area. The Horde scholars that are studying the squid state that it measures more than 60 feet in length. The Horde scholars will be observing the squid for as long as it remains close to the continent.

The Dukes of Kenda are meeting to discuss a new public works program. Several merchants have suggested building a new improved road system that they would assist in building.

A report from the city of Patois, the capital city of the country of Currerria on the continent of Vitainnia, states that the University of Languages had a devastating fire that destroyed over 4,000 scrolls and 500 books. The Haeflin country is reaching out for help to rebuild the collection of the library that was lost.

The Purple Scarf bandits that were captured in Terralen have been tried and found guilty. Their sentence is 15 years hard labor in the salt fields of Terralen.

76th day of the year

The Horde, in keeping with its alliance with regards to the Patronna issue, is sending a Grand Hand to Patronna. The Grand Hand is commanded by Erintah-Rok. Erintah-Rok is the second son of the Horde Chieftain.

David Tenner, the operator of the Foundry in Sterling City in the county of Myra in the province of Kent in the country of Azin, has developed an idea with the Dwarves of Kent to use water power more effectively in the foundries. The Dwarves are intrigued by this idea and are working on a prototype. The idea is to use water wheel power to move the crucibles and materials around in a foundry.

The country of Iceda on the continent of the Northern Shield reports that they have discovered hulks of 40 Specter class ships on their southern shore. The ships are intact. They do not have any rigging or supplies or cargo. There aren't any builders' marks or registry marks.

The country of Azatar announced that the 40 spies (67th day of the year) they captured have all been found guilty and will be publicly executed on the 77th day of the year. Their names will be announced on the day of execution as letters to their families are being delivered beforehand.

77th day of the year

The countries of Azin, Moshven, Terralen, Kenda and the Horde have promised to assist Currerria in rebuilding the collection of scrolls and books that were lost in the library fire. The province of Kent and Kallon in the country of Azin have already begun shipping copies of scrolls and books to Currerria.

The Golden Oak, one of the Elven woods in Azin, is sending 35 Elves to Stone's Rising as part of the cultural exchange program for learning about infant and young Dragons and their upkeep.

The country of Azatar, as promised, publicly executed 40 humans they found guilty of espionage. The form of execution used was the Howling Bull or also known as the Bronze Bull or Fire Bull.

The city state of Kreeden on the continent of Bryagel announces that on the 250th day of the year, they will be holding a language conference and all those who are interested are welcome to attend.

Vivandar, one of the countries on the continent of Mednadda, reports that a sizeable force of Clanless Orcs attempted to gain access to their country by sea. This is the second time that such an assault has been attempted by sea by Orcs without a clan. However, this time they had the assistance of 50 Rogue Class ships. The Orcs were stopped; unfortunately the Rogue Class ships were able to get away.

Even though Vivandar is a country with three of its borders bordering the ocean, they have a small military navy, as most of their ships are fishing vessels.

The Island nation of Corsica located in the northern hemisphere reported that four Reapers walked out of the water and began destroying one of their seaside villages. Once the village was destroyed, the Reapers went back into the sea. The neutral nation reports that 190 people were killed and 1,900 were injured.

Rory Tully, heir to the Tully clan, leading three of the six Tully Wolf Brigades, along with Erintah-Rok, Prince of the Horde, leading a Grand Hand of Horde troops lands in Patronna to bolster the forces against the Dark in Patronna.

The country of Sharinnon reports that a group of Saurians attacked one of their outposts in the forest of Deep Wood. The race of Saurians was not determined as all of the members of the outposts were killed. Saurian tracks indicate that the war parties escaped south over the border with the country of Creal. The Sharinnon military and reserves have been called to full active duty until this situations is resolved.

The ruling Haeflin Duchess of Kavendar, Dorranna Canvars, announces that the country of Kavendar will be holding a language and trade fair on the 400th day of the year. All are welcomed. The language and trade fair will be held in the capital city of Kavendar City.

81st day of the year

Heralds from the Patronna campaign report that Erintah-Rok, Prince of the Horde, died today in honorable combat against a Greater Lych. The heralds' report states that on his fourth day on Patronna, Prince Erintah-Rok personally led a hand (340 Horde warriors) to relieve troops cut off from the Settlement of Azin. The stranded troops were both Human and Horde.

When he arrived, Erintah-Rok noticed the banner of the Greater Lych. He and his troops effectively relieved the stranded warriors. They then began a counterattack to provide a distraction. As Erintah-Rok and his Hand of troops gained the hill where the banner was located, the Greater Lych was waiting for him. Behind the Greater Lych, on the other side of the hill, were several thousand additional undead troops. The Greater Lych offered to call back his troops if Erintah-Rok would fight him one on one. Erintah-Rok did not have any choice. His force was outnumbered 300 to one. Head held high and eyes flashing, Erintah-Rok agreed to the duel. After several feints and passes, the Greater Lych could not beat Erintah-Rok fairly. The Greater Lych then used dark magick to hold Erintah-Rok's legs to the earth, and pinned Erintah-Rok's arms to his side. Lord Rory Tully's forces arrived in time to see this treachery. Lord Rory Tully led a desperate charge to try to get to Erintah-Rok in time. Unfortunately, there was too much ground to cover for either Human or Horde to reach the Prince in time. The Greater Lych then fled by the use of the dark arts. The army behind the hill simply melted away. Erintah-Rok's actions saved several thousand Human and Horde troopers. Lord Tully stood over the Prince's body and vowed that Erintah-Rok's actions would never be forgotten. Lord Tully, his force, the rescued soldiers and the Hand of Horde soldiers returned to the Settlement of Azin on Patronna. They escorted the Prince's body back as well, draped over the back of his stallion.

When they arrived, Lord William Aday sent heralds to all of the realms of the Alliance of Nations to tell of the loss. Lord Tully stopped Lord Aday from sending a herald to the Horde, claiming that he would see to the matter. Lord Tully then traveled by a small boat to the Gate Portal Ship anchored two miles off the island of Patronna. He ordered the gatekeeper to stand aside and then personally used the Gate Portal to travel to the Horde throne room in the City of Two Worlds.

Lord Rory Tully walked through the gate and, upon his unseemly arrival in the throne room, stared down the advancing Imperial Guard. Hesitant to attack the sole knight before them, the guardsmen looked back to their master, the Horde High Chieftain who was seated on the great amber throne. Dur-Rok looked at the young knight quizzically and motioned the guardsmen to return to their posts. His wife stepped forward to the side of the throne as he motioned the young knight forward.

Lord Tully came forward and stopped six feet from the Chieftain. He bowed and then, drawing himself up to his full height, he personally informed Erintah-Rok's parents on the manner of their son's death. As they absorbed his words, Lord Tully then dropped to one knee and, baring his neck, offered himself as the subject of their rage. He expressed his guilt that if he was only 10 minutes earlier, he and the Wolf Brigades might have been able to save Erintah-Rok, and for that failure, he was truly sorry.

At that, Dur-Rok, High Chieftain of the Horde, stood and stepped forward. He lifted Lord Tully to his feet, placed his hand on Lord Tully's shoulder, and began to speak. "The only one responsible for my son's death is that walking evil that took his life dishonorably. You, my son, are not at fault." As the tears began to run down Dur-Rok's face, his wife Aum came to his side and continued to speak for him. "Rory Tully, you have not only honored yourself and your family, but the entire Horde/Azinian Alliance with regards to Patronna. The only thing we of the Horde ask is that you make it home safe with as many of your soldiers as possible." Unable to speak, Lord Tully stepped back, saluted, turned around and went back through the still open Gate Portal to the Gate Portal ship anchored off Patronna.

The Field Cross Game set in Lords vs. the Team from the city of Dawn was postponed as a sign of respect for the family of Erintah-Rok.

The capital of the island of Ithaki the city of Vathy reports that several rogue class ships attempted to gain access to their harbor at the city of Vathy. The Ithaki militia denied the 20 ships access to their port and their island nation. The island of Ithaki is one of the eight major islands in the Tilos Island group. The Tilos Island group contains eight large islands (over four miles in length) and 11 major islands (over 2 miles in length). An additional 300 islands vary in size from a few dozen feet to just under two miles in length. These islands are known as the secondary islands of the Tilos Island Group.

82nd day of the year

The government of Kenda reports that pirates flying the colors of Gold Sword attacked a merchant convoy from Trista. The Kendan navy went to assist the merchant convoy but was too late. The merchant convoy was completely hijacked by the pirates and there was too much distance to close to save them.

The government of Carwin reports that a hidden chamber has been found in the Temple of the Blood King. The chamber measures 100 feet x 50 feet x 23 feet in height. The chamber was located under the throne in the great hall of the temple. There are thousands of artifacts in this chamber. The government of Carwin has begun cataloging all of the items.

The Haeflin Government of Frenton on the continent of Fyngel report that one of their fishing fleets encountered tens of thousands of squid off their east coast this morning. The squid measured anywhere from 12 inches to four feet in length. What is unusual is that the squid were working together and harvesting small and medium size shrimp and fish.

83rd day of the year

By the terms of the Alliance agreement, the body of Prince Erintah-Rok is transported from Patronna to Kent by way of the public Gate Portal in Kent. The Duchess of Kent orders a protective sanctuary created of earth and timber built to house Prince Erintah-Rok's body while waiting for the Horde Honor Guard to arrive to transport him the rest of the way home. The Duchess of Kent then requests that Father Glick keep watch over the protective sanctuary. In addition to the good Father, 50 Saurian: Dragon Kin soldiers also guard the body of the Prince.

The government of Trista claims that the government of Kenda is in league with Gold Sword the pirate. Trista continues to state that Kenda let the pirate forces attack and take their merchant convoy.

The Daily Dresden, a report from the Guild of Town Criers in the city of Dresden, states that the newest resident in the city's dungeon is a green faced thief that attempted to steal the purse of a lady this afternoon. He cut the purse from the lady's belt and made his escape. He thought he had it made until he opened the purse to view his "winnings". When opened, the thief's face was covered with a green mist that dyed his face. As the thief gasped for air, the purse began to yell the following: "I am the purse of Lady Smith. This green faced thief has tried to steal me from her." The message repeated over and over again. The thief tried to throw away the purse to no avail. It was stuck to his hands. The town guards soon caught up to the thief and made the arrest. The purse was returned and the thief thrown in to the dungeon. The purse is an item of power that one can buy at the Mages Guild of Dresden.

84th day of the year

The instant dawn arrives at Kent; the Public Gate Portal is activated. The originating Gate Portal is one of the Gate Portals in the harbor city of Jaffa-Kar. The Horde High Chieftain Dur-Rok and his wife the Shamaness of the Horde Aum lead the Horde Honor Guard through the portal. The Duchess of Kent is there to greet them. Alongside the Duchess stand her daughter, the Baroness Ashlyn ath Kent, the Baroness Sumi ath Hindra and Lord Duncan Tully. There are no tense moments between the two groups, as one mother tries to console another over her grief of losing a son. Lord Duncan explains to Dur-Rok that his Lord has ordered him to ensure personally that the body of Erintah-Rok is honored in the traditions of his people and to escort Erintah-Rok to the soil of his sires and grand sires. Aum places her hand on Duncan's shoulder and thanks him.

The government of Kenda's response to the allegation from Trista that they are in league with the pirates is to expel their ambassador and all citizens of Trista from their shores. All citizens of Trista have four days to leave on their own. After the four days, they will be arrested and tried as spies.

Reports from the city state of Kreeden on the continent of Bryagel states that a naval battle occurred in the pre-dawn darkness. The battle took place off the waters of Fells Harbor. Fells Harbor is the most northeastern harbor of the Kreeden peninsula.

85th day of the year

Master Architect and Artificer Mitchell Amber Scott published a set of scientific and architectural papers on Scientific Perspective and its impact on Architecture and Design. The book was co-written by Master Puggles Dillweed, the Haeflin engineer. The book provides a way to depict scale and three-dimensional buildings onto a two dimensional drawing, thus allowing an architect to provide the builder(s) with detailed blue prints for the first time.

An unusual occurrence in the country of Kavendar has been reported. Several masons, while working in their local quarry, encountered a creature that appeared almost human. It appeared female and tried to tempt the masons to leave their work site. The creature failed when a local priest arrived.

The country of Aphane reports that, during the harvest of spring wild foods, a foraging party north of the town of River-ford discovered several skeletons in the woods. The markings on the clothing indicated that they were Elven soldiers from the Third War with the Horde. It appears that the remains were deposited in the location. The government of Aphane is investigating.

86th day of the year

Heralds from the Island of Three Sisters report to the High King of Azin Rene' Nari' that his grandfather has passed away in his sleep. His passing was without pain and his last days were without struggle. High King Rene' Nari' orders the flags to be lowered to half-mast until the following day for his mother's father.

The Government of Gemsten, the Dwarven country on the continent of Fyngel, reports that a pod of Blue Whales entered one of their sheltered harbors. The Weather is calm and temperate. The whales are swimming within the harbor. The Dwarves of Gemsten are studying these whales.

A report from the government of Cimmeran (The Horde continent) reports that a creature has been sighted in the Infene-Frs T'ag (River of Flames). The creature is not a Drake, Salamander or any known fire-loving creature. Several thousand witnesses have seen this creature playing in the lava of the Infene-Frs T'ag.

87th day of the year

The Arch Magus of Azin Rygel ath Azin travels to the border of Maderia to the keep of Ashlyn ath Kent. At the request of her mother, Rygel is testing Ashlyn's ability to wield magick. During the initial testing, Ashlyn begins having a waking dream. Rygel wrote down what the young Ashlyn spoke during the waking dream.

The Wetness of Salt
The Arid Juices of an Orange
Coldness of Fire
Burning of Ice
Misdirection's Truth
History's Faith
Future Peril
Weapons of Light
Weapons of Dark
Weapons of Gray
Weapons of Silver
Weapons of Gold
Creator's Flight
Creator's Swim
Creator's Walk
Forces of Darkness
Forces of Light
Power Lust
Dark Ambitions
Pawns and Masters
Knights and Peasants

The waking dream was interrupted by the sounds of thunder close by. As Ashlyn began to recover, she uttered one final phrase:

The companions of the marked one will be warned.

The island nation of Trista reports that three of their ships were attacked by unknown forces 200 miles off their southern coast. All of the ships survived the attack and reported that a force of 15 ships attacked them. The ships were neither flying an ensign nor had any national markings.

Gregoria reports they sent a herald to Stone's Rising asking if they were missing an infant Drake. To be exact, a Fire Drake. An infant Fire Drake was discovered on a sheep farm outside the capital city of Gregoria. The herald presented the Dwarves of Stone's Rising with a formal request for removal of the infant Fire Drake along with a bill for the 90 sheep the infant had already consumed. A response from Stone's Rising was not immediately forthcoming.

88th day of the year

The Liquid Dream, a Wine Class Ship of Azinian registry, encountered four Rogue Class ships. As the Rogue Class ships closed, they were dragged under the ocean by great whales. At the sight of the whales, the captain of the Liquid Dream was tempted to break into his cargo and drink all of it himself.

A report from the country of Iceda states that the spring migration of several species of whales to the waters around the Northern Shield has begun. In a few months, one will be able to walk from the island nation of Kisda to the island nation of Iceda on the backs of whales without getting wet. The Ogres have repeatedly denied several nations' request to send whaling fleets to the region.

89th day of the year

The city of Avba in the Region of the Gods in the province of Temples on the Horde country of Cimmeran begins the 30-day ritual of preparing the body and soul of Erintah-Rok for the next life. His body is encased in a tempest wrapping and is being displayed in the Temple of the One True God in the city of Avba. The Horde estimates that over 500,000 mourners are paying their last respects to Erintah-Rok every day. Lord Duncan Tully is in Avba and is standing personal Vigil over the Prince's body by his Lord's request.

90th day of the year

The Guild of Designers and Builders applaud the book "Scientific Perspective and its impact on Architecture and Design" and the authors. This work has transformed building and designing on all of the realms of Alquennas.

The Island of Three Sisters reports that the Wine Class Ship "Ocean Vintage" was carrying a cargo of wine from Azin to Kenda when three Rogue Class ships attacked it. As the Ocean Vintage attempted to evade the Rogue Class ships, they discovered they had an escort from underneath the seas. Several Large Whales (baleen whales) with Mere-Folk riding upon them. The underwater riders turned their mounts and attacked the Rogue Class ships. The Mere-Folk sunk all three ships. One of the riders surfaced next to the Ocean Vintage and announced that they are honoring their alliance and agreement with Azin.

The government of Katonnan announces that they are sending the 1st Brigade of the Katonnan People to Patronna. They have assembled this Brigade of combat and support troops that numbers 4,700 troops to send to Patronna to honor their duties as a member of the Alliance of Nations.

91st day of the year

The pod of Blue Whales that entered into a sheltered harbor in Gemsten (86th day of the year) have left the harbor and are heading due north.

The member nations of the Alliance of Nations have agreed to the meeting place of their next summit. The location that has been decided upon is the Halls of Draconic Splendor. The date is scheduled for the 104th day of the year.

93rd day of the year

The Alquennas Trade Association (ATA) has announced that they are awarding Master Architect Mitchell Amber Scoot and Master Engineer Puggles Dillweed their highest honor for their work in furthering and transforming several Guilds for the better.

Reports from the ship fields of Bryagel state that work stopped on three sloops as a giant sea turtle decided that the work site would be an excellent location to dig her nest. The ships in progress have been moved. The sea turtle is enjoying the good weather of Bryagel.

94th day of the year

A report from the Master of the Gate Portal Guild states that several components of Gate Portals are missing from the Kendan storage area, in which they were kept. An investigation has started into this crime.

The Open City on the continent of Terla reports that several caravans heading towards and from the city have been attacked. The goods and draft animals of the caravans have been unmolested. The members of the caravans have all been taken or killed. The Open City is asking for assistance concerning this issue.

The Alquennas Trade Association (ATA) sends a message to the ruling houses of the Open City in Terla. The message states that the ATA would be more than happy to assist the Open City in this matter once the Open City installs guild houses and Guild rule over the merchants and merchandise of the Open City.

95th day of the year

The Greater Fyngel Elven warship, Faith's Peril, encountered what the Elven government of Greater Fyngel is calling a Kraken off the northern coast of the Northeastern cost of their country. They are assembling a squadron of ships to investigate.

The ruling houses of the Open city in Terla sent a reply to the Alquennas Trade Association (ATA). The message was simple - it was the head of the messenger that the ATA sent to the Open City.

A Canal Merchant Class ship, the Twin Mule, begins the first journey on the Grand Canal of Azin. The journey will last three days on the completed sections of the eastbound canal. The Twin Mule is loaded down with 400 tons of stones to simulate a full load of Cargo. The Twin Mule is verifying that the completed section of the Canal can actually support a fully loaded Canal Merchant. The Completed section is only 30 miles long. They will be taking measurements every mile of water depth, side clearance and observations. Every ten miles they will stop for the day at one of the three sidings that will be used for ships to stop and anchor for the night.

96th day of the year

The government of Carwin reports that there have been two gruesome murders at the Temple of the Blood King. The bodies of three teenage Human girls were found on the altar stone in the Temple of the Blood King.

After a great deal of debate, the Duchess of Terralen mobilizes a division of troops to patrol the trade routes to and from the Open City. The Alquennas Trade Association (ATA) advised the Duchess of Terralen not to assist the Open City. The Duchess of Terralen requested that the ATA ambassador leave her country.

The country of Moshven has begun rebuilding the Port of Copper. One of the new additions to the Port of Copper will be a set of twin dry docks and a larger pier system for offloading and loading of ships.

97th day of the year

The Horde reports that infidels and criminals attempted to steal the body of Erintah-Rok from the city of Avba. The Human Duncan Tully prevented the Clanless Orcs from taking the body of Erintah-Rok. The Horde reported that Duncan Tully held off 15 Clanless Great Orcs while the guard was coming to his aid. The perpetrators were Clanless Orcs. They were captured and dealt with. The only comment from the Horde High Chieftain upon hearing the news was "The Horde Honor Guard that was watching my son needs education. See to it."

The Greater Fyngel Squadron of warships begins sweeping the coastline for the Kraken that was sighted (95th day of the year). The ships have orders to either drive it off or destroy it.

99th day of the year

The 1st Brigade of the Katonnan People arrives by way of the Gate Portal Ship in Patronna. Lord William Aday assigns the 1st Brigade of the Katonnan People to Lord Rory Tully's command.

The Twin Mule, a Canal Merchant Class ship, finished its test run on the completed section of the eastbound canal of the Grand Canal project. There were no issues found with the canal or the sidings.

Lord Duncan Tully is honored by the Horde. He is given a tour of the River of Flame, the Infene-Frs T'ag, on a Cold Stone Phantom Class ship. There he encounters the mysterious creature that has been seen playing in the River of Flame. The Horde crew of the Horde Ship is amazed to see the creature bending towards Lord Duncan Tully's will.

The city-state of Dawn announces that it is sending a company of healers to Patronna to uphold their commitment to the Alliance of Nations.

100th day of the year

A Field Cross game between the team from the City of Azin vs. the Talis national team was held in Azin. Azin won by a score of three to two.

Lord Duncan Tully returned to Azin after his trip to the Horde. He immediately sought an audience with the High King Rene' Nari'. After his meeting with the High King, he traveled to Kent to speak with the Duchess of Kent.

The Duke of the Region of the Ne' Tel on the continent of Kenda announced that they are sending the Shadow Regiment to Patronna to honor their duties to the Alliance of Nations. The Shadow Regiment is comprised completely of Shadow Elves.

101st day of the year

The Island of Mists reports that four large, very large sea turtles walked out of the ocean began preparing nests and laid hundreds if not thousands of eggs. Under order of their provincial Governor, the eggs are to be protected. After a laboring night, the four turtles returned to the sea.

Delegates from the member nations of the Alliance of Nations begin to arrive at Draconic Splendor.

The Master of the Gate Portal Guild in Kenda finished his investigation and reported. He stated they do not know who stole the parts to three complete Gate Portals. He will continue to investigate to find the thieves.

102nd day of the year

Delegates from the member nations of the Alliance of Nations continue to arrive at Draconic Splendor.

After several days of searching, the squadron of Greater Fyngel warships is unable to locate any signs of a Kraken or any other type of sea monster.

One hundred miles south of where the squadron from Greater Fyngel is searching, Frenton sailors of the Frenton Fishing Fleet are experiencing their best Aqua-harvest in decades.

103rd day of the year

The government of Kenda reports that they are sending a division of troops to assist in the Patronna issue. The division command is being transferred to Lord William Aday. The division is the Blue Dragon Division who won praise and several medals and citations for gallantry under combat during the Fourth War with the Horde.

Delegates from the member nations of the Alliance of Nations continue to arrive at Draconic Splendor. The Lady of Draconic Splendor does not know if there is enough willow bark or Dragon Ale in the world.

104th day of the year

The Alliance of Nation's summit begins at Draconic Splendor with the opening remarks being made by Rex of the Saurian: Dragon Kin.

The national Field Cross team of Grand Oak on the continent of Mednadda played against the national team from Katonnan. This was not an official match between the two teams. This was a practice match as it was the first outing for the Katonnan Edge. The Grand Oak Fletching won by a score of four to three.

105th day of the year

In the Northern Hemisphere, this day is Mid-Spring's Day. There are several festivals, both cultural and religious, held on this day. It is a national day of rest and celebration in Azin, Moshven, Kenda, and many other northern hemisphere nations.

The Temple of the Blood King and its surrounding area shake in a violent land quake. There is no damage to the Temple of the Blood King. There are no reports of anyone being injured in or near the area of the Temple of the Blood King.

The country of Kenda holds its Mid-Spring celebration. This is one of the largest celebrations in Kenda. Every town and city in Kenda holds a costume parade celebrating the mid of spring.

106th day of the year

While returning to their homeport, the Greater Fyngel squadron of warships that was searching for sea monsters encountered 90 Rogue Class ships a day's journey from their home port in Greater Fyngel. The two squadrons fought for over 14 hours. Only one of the Elven warships returned home. It is unknown how many Rogue Class ships survived.

109th day of the year

The Blue Dragon Division arrives on the shore of Patronna due to the use of the Gate Portal ship that is anchored two miles off the shores of Patronna. Duke William Aday places the Blue Dragon Division under Lord Rory Tully.

The Shadow Regiment arrived at Patronna. No one is sure how they traveled to Patronna. The Gate Portal ship does not have any records that they used the Gate Portal. Lord William Aday is using the Shadow Regiment as tactical scouting for the entire Patronna campaign. They will have independent command from any other unit in Patronna.

110th day of the year

Trinity Wells' metal merchant conference is started. The keynote speaker is Byron Main, who gives an impassioned speech regarding the metal merchant's role to keeping countries safe and profitable.

The Island of Trista offers to assist the Alliance of Nations and the Horde with the Patronna issue.

The Horde and the member nations of the Alliance of Nations respectfully decline the offer from Trista.

The Trista government sends a message to their ambassador in the Holy City of the One True God religion.

Alliance and Horde forces on Patronna storm the Villa of Gorgon in the center of the island. Forces commanded by Lord Rory Tully captured three necromancers and eliminated a Lych during the action. The remains of the Gorgon that once inhabited the Villa were found. It was missing its head.

The city-state of Kreeden on the continent of Bryagel announces that they have translated another tablet discovered in the Temple of the Blood King. The temple is a tax roll for the area that is now part of the country of Aphane on the continent of Vitainnia. The report continues to state that the area is part of the capital of Aphane, the city of Thabes.

The Dwarven Crown of Gemsten on the continent of Fyngel reports that they have discovered another vain of Green Flake Obsidian in the Tacarran valley in Gemsten near the river of Stone's Blood.

111th day of the year

Dwarves from the Forked Mountains in Azin have released their latest batch of ale. It is of a fine quality that rivals Dragon Ale for taste. The Human Brewer's Guild is attempting to learn their secrets.

The Haeflin Baron, Groton Bail, of the island of Cardan in the northern hemisphere reports that the Island of Cardan is closing their borders and ports to any countries still doing business with the Horde.

The Holy Father of the religion of the One True God sends messengers to the High King of Azin, The Dukes of Kenda and the governors of the cities in Valinnia. The Holy Father is requesting a meeting with all of them.

112th day of the year

The Horde Prince is laid to rest in the tomb of his ancestors. Dignitaries that attended the funeral were Duncan Tully of Azin, The High King of Azin Rene' Nari', the military Governess of Moshven, The Dukes of Kenda, The Duchess of Kent, the Prince of Bryagel, the Abbot General of the Abbey of the Forked Mountains and Duke William Aday.

The country of Traden on the continent of Mednadda reports that grave robbers have been caught in the act attempting to defile and break into the Tomb of the Smithman family in the Traven city cemetery. The 3 Haeflins and 11 Humans will be tried on multiple charges.

The Turtle Island Chain, located in the Southern Hemisphere, reports that an unusual amount of Ambergris has been discovered on the shores of several islands in the chain.

The High King of Azin Rene' Nari' sends a message back to the Holy City informing the Holy Father that the Governors of Valinnia are Dukes of Azin and those messages should have been delivered to the Crown of Azin. Additionally, the meeting the Holy Father requested can occur after the 300th day of the year. He also offers his capital city as the meeting place.

114th day of the year

The Ogre Elder Council in the capital city of Icendale of the country of Iceda on the continent of the Northern Shield finished deliberating on the proposed cultural exchange program with the Alliance of Nations. The final vote was 36 for and 3 against.

The Duchess of Kavendar Island, located on the equator 900 miles east of the continent of Terla, reports that wreckage of a Rogue Class ship has washed ashore on their northern coastline.

The Dukes of Kallon respond to the message from the Holy Father stating that a meeting can occur after the 300th day of the year. They recommend the 315th day of the year in the country of Azin as the High King of Azin has offered the capital city as the meeting place.

The Centaur and Haeflin island of Vanua Layan report that Great Blue Sharks have been spotted north of their island. Upon further investigation, the fisherman of Vanua Layan island discovered a great number of northern octopi inhabiting an area that contains several hundred square miles of Azul Grand Oyster beds. The Vanua Layan Island is located on the equator.

118th day of the year

The Horde city of Trackan (Tempest) in the region of Storms on the continent of Cimmeran report that an Arcane Elemental appeared 250 yards from the city. The Elemental began walking towards the city. Aum the Shamaness of the Horde was at the city at the time. She confronted the Elemental and forced it to withdraw from the area.

The country of Verdar reports that near the large town of Falda-Grey, Reapers appeared out of the morning mist. They numbered over 20. The Guardians of Falda-Grey went to meet them head on. Outnumbered, they rode to defend their town. As they approached, the Reapers faded back into the morning mist. The Guardians of Falda-Grey are puzzled but relieved at the outcome of this non-encounter.

Note: The Guardians of Falda-Grey consists of three well-trained knights of Verdar.

The city-state of Dawn on the continent of Mednadda announces that the inhabitants of the city were shaken out of their beds three hours before sunrise as a massive explosion centered two miles south-southwest of the city occurred.

120th day of the year

The government of the Island of Mine reports that a barge with 30 Reapers upon it sailed past their island. The Saurian: Dragon Kin controlled island sent their two only warships to attack the barge. The barge disappeared in the morning fog before the two warships could engage. The barge did not have any identifying marks and was not flying a flag or any type of banner.

The Elven country of Creal on the Kenda continent reports that their first harvest of wild foods is the best it has been in 40 years.

The government of Stone's Rising on the continent of Mednadda announced that four more Dragon Eggs have hatched. The dragon types are:

Fire Drake - 1
Sea Drake - 1
Forest Drake - 2

The country of Azatar on the continent of Terla announced that on the 210th day of the year, their Grand Fleet would be performing maneuvers in and around the continent of Terla. Their schedule includes navigating in force up and down the River Dizan in Terralen as they have navigation rights on that river and the complete circular navigation of the continent of Terla.

123rd day of the year

Those who adhere to the faith of the One True God celebrate the holy feast of Easter. All across the world in the sanctuaries of the churches, the miracle of the Lights is re-enacted. The patient waiting glow of the Monarch's light spills from the Priestly Cups of Service as the Paschal lights are rekindled and the Light of the Savior rejoins the world.

124th day of the year

In token of the Easter season, King Rene' Nari' presents beautifully crafted enameled eggs to his wife and several others including his sister, the Princess Mikhaila, and the Lady Ashlyn ath Kent. Each egg opens to display an exquisitely carved cameo brooch of a special flower. The flower given to High Queen Gwenhyfar is a rose carved in Blue Lace Agate.

125th day of the year

The government of the country of Istas on the continent of the Southern Shield reports that three Reapers walked onto their shores this morning. The Reapers were dispatched.

The city-state of Koalh on the continent of Cellenda announces that one of their artificers has come up with a new innovative way to store food. This new process will be discussed at the Kallor international farmers' convention being held starting on the 200th day of the year.

The Sea Elves of Fyngel have announced that they are closing down both of their primary ship fields to update their facilities. They will reopen on the 415th day of the year.

140th day of the year

The outpost village of Clair Viece on the border of the province of Kent and the province of Maderia reports that one of their long-range patrols sighted a Reaper. The Reaper was north of their village about 190 miles south of the King's Road to Maderia. Note: the village of Clair Viece is 380 miles south of the King's Road.

145th day of the year

William Aday, Duke of Patronna, reports that a large creature has been discovered in Lake Sheknowa in the area of the Azin Settlement. Currently, this area is under the Dark's control. This creature has ill will towards the darkness, as it appears to take great pleasure in hurling stones from the lake bottom at the creatures walking on the shores of the lake. Duke Aday would be interested in any assistance in identifying this creature.

153rd day of the year

The Katonnan Edge Field Cross Team defeated the Kallon Lions at the Kallon field by a score of seven to three.

165th day of the year

At the feast of the Holy Spirit in Azin, a slight stir is caused when an Orcish Messenger arrives from the Horde High Chieftain Dur-Rok. The messenger encounters the High King on the way to mass. He requests and is granted permission to attend mass with the High King in the cathedral of Azin. After mass, he delivers his message to the High King in the courtyard of the cathedral and then leaves to return to Cimarron.

170th day of the year

The Alquennas Trade Association (ATA) has announced that they will hold an ATA conference in Trista on the 350th day of the year of TK 1051.

176th day of the year

The Faith of Azatar begins the most holy month in its calendar, that of the Month of Fasting. Hundreds of pilgrims have flocked in pilgrimage to the capital of Azatar.

199th day of the year

The outpost village of Clair Viece on the border of the province of Kent and the province of Maderia reports that a swarm of Reapers numbering more than 100 was poised to attack their village, and then something stopped them. The Reapers just withdrew and then disappeared. The news of this event did not reach Kent until the 206th day of the year due to Clair Viece's remoteness and they do not have access to a nearby Gate Portal. The nearest Gate Portal is 381 miles away from the village.

200th day of the year

Kallor will be holding an international farmers convention. Farmers from all over the world are attending. There are over 5,000 vendors and workshops to educated and entertain the attendees. The convention will last to the 210th day of the year.

Saint Charles Island on the equator reports that 30 Rogue Class ships passed the island heading south this morning. Saint Charles Island is a settlement of Azin.

203rd day of the year

The Trista Pavilion at the Kallor International Farmers Convention Explodes. Actually, one of their exhibits explodes and sets the rest of the Trista Pavilion on fire. The entire Trista Pavilion is destroyed.

206th day of the year

Azul Island Group reports that several pods of whales have entered the sheltered harbor of the island on the 204th day of the year. The whales numbered over 500. The whales left this morning heading north.

208th day of the year

The Cimmeran Red Dust team defeated the Grand Oak Field Cross Team, the Fletchings, by a score of six to one at Grand Oak at the Grand Oak field.

209th day of the year

Forces under the Duchess of Kent encounter Reapers that number over 40 in the vicinity of the outpost village of Clair Viece. The vassal of the Duchess of Kent that led this investigation and his men stopped many of the reapers at a high cost. The vassal was Bart the Bard. He and every member of his forces are being awarded the status of "Hero of Azin" for their actions on the 209th day of TK 1051.

The outpost village of Clair Viece on the border of the province of Kent and the province of Maderia was murdered by unknown forces this day. All 980 men, woman and children were murdered and then burned beyond recognition.

By order of the Duchess of Kent, there will be a monument to those that fell at Clair Viece and a new village constructed.

210th day of the year

The High Queen of Azin Gwenhyfar Isabel Stewart Nari' receives a letter with the seal of the blue rose upon it. The letter reads as follows:

My dearest Sovereign Lady:

It is my desire that this letter finds you and your family well. The undertaking to find the lady in question is finished. I understand that the official report from the Duchess of Kent should already be in your hands. She was not the answer to the question that has been posed; however, the undertaking journey was not for naught. I had the opportunity to witness one of the greatest forces known, the love of a parent for their child.

Your grandfather, may he be at peace, was right when he proclaimed, "Our children are our legend and are truly are our only legacy of worth or matter." In you, my dear Sovereign Lady, I know he was right.

I am sorry to say that the undertaking did not lead me or provide any guidance towards my objective. I continue my search and I am confident that I will track down a lead and find the answers to the questions.

Faithfully and with Absolute Devotion,

Eilif Ragner Rune ath Copper Oak
A simple soldier

The letter was sealed with a blue rose on a field of black and silver.

The Dwarves of Stones Rising have released the names of the newest drakes that have hatched the names are:

Fire Drake - Clair Viece
Sea Drake - Clandarra (musical one)
Forest Drake - Sky Shadow
Forest Drake - Shadow Dancer

212th day of the year

The Star of Jaffa-Kar Pride sails into the Harbor of Silver in the country of Azin.

215th day of the year

The Lord Mayor of Kallon announces that upon the morrow their famed inventor, Artimus Goddard Davis of Kallon, will be unveiling his latest invention on the River Fame just west of the city.

216th day of the year

Artimus Goddard Davis of Kallon walks out of a tent to a crowd of over 5,000 people. They are all there to see his new invention and to see if it blows up. Atriums walked over to a covered item in the River Fame. He uncovers it. It is a boat with a wooden winch on it. He turns to the crowd and begins to speak. "My good friends and neighbors, what you see before you will make traveling up river a great deal easier. We currently send four barges a day up river. That requires 10 men to push poles against the current. This system here uses the current to our advantage. As the current pushes against the water wheel attached to the boat, the rope tied to the boat begins to gather on this spool. The other end of the rope is tied to a tree up river." He pulls a lever and the rope begins to gather on the spool, thus propelling the boat up river against the current at four knots.

The crowd explodes with applause. "Now, imagine my friends that the rope is four miles long at a station where four men are waiting to transfer the boat to another line. This original rope would be returned on a barge coming back down river to this point. We would need four stations with 16 men to control as many barges as the river can hold, instead of 40 men for only four barges."

The crowd did not completely understand how this invention works. However, they did understand the reduction of men required to do the same job and thus began to cheer. Man power in the Kallon area has always been an issue.

After the demonstration, a person in the crowd was heard saying, "It is a great invention. It will make life easier for us. However, there was no BOOM like his last two demonstrations."

218th day of the year

The realm of Azatar announces that they have put to an end the pearl smuggling ring that has operated for the last 15 years. The ring leaders have already been tried and put to death. The 500 accomplices are awaiting trial and, if found guilty, they will be sentenced to 15 years hard labor in the salt fields in the Azatar controlled area of the Ariddia.

220th day of the year

The Armor Master of Azin announces that, with the help of the Dwarves of the Forked Mountains, the introduction of Duplex and Triplex armor to the Armies of Azin will begin in TK 1052.

223rd day of the year

The Kendan Warship, Sea Axe, encountered a pod of dolphins. What was unusual about the encounter was the number of Dolphins in the pod. The crew counted over 250 dolphins.

226th day of the year

The country of Vivandar on the continent of Mednadda reports that a score of Reapers tried to gain access through their western border. The Reapers were driven back from the border. The Vivandar army did not pursue the Reapers into Gregoria, since they do not have a treaty with them.

230th day of the year

The City state of Kreeden on the continent of Bryagel reports that a giant turtle measuring 25 feet in length swam ashore this morning and is grazing on the shore grasses. The City-state of Kreeden is not normally on the Giant Sea Turtles' path of travel. The Scholars of Kreeden are studying the Giant creature.

234th day of the year

The government of Kisda on the continent of the Northern Shield reports that meteors have begun showing in the northern skies.

235th day of the year

The country of Aphane reported that, due to several giant beavers creating dams on the River Armod, river traffic was stopped completely. The Aphane authorities relocated most of the beavers that began working on their new homes to less navigable tributaries of the River Armod.

238th day of the year

A spice merchant from Kavendar walked into the council hall of the Council of Dukes in Kenda. He began his presentation on his goods and then suddenly collapsed to the ground. A green smoke began to emerge from his body. The Dukes were escorted out of the council chambers. The guards that checked the body soon died as well.

240th day of the year

A score of Reapers are sighted just south of the wasteland of Azin heading towards the Holy city of the One True God. Long range patrols of the combined Moshven and Azin Desert Patrol spotted the Reapers. The patrol reported back to the North Gate of Moshven what they saw.

245th day of the year

The Council of Dukes from the Realm of Sea Fair announces that they are holding an ocean race around the continent of Terla. First prize is 500 crowns and a shipping contract for the Council of Dukes of the Realm of Sea Fair worth 100 times the purse. The race will be held on the 300th day of the year. Ships must register by the 290th day of the year. All nationalities are welcome to compete in this 10,500 nautical mile race. The ships must be able to carry a minimum of 20 tons of cargo.

247th day of the year

Forces from Azin and the Horde penetrated the stronghold of a Lych in Patronna. As they broke into its great hall, the Lych attempted to get away by opening up a teleport. To his surprise, a Reaper exited the portal killed the Lych and left again back through the portal. The portal closed before the troops could see its destination. As the army of guards that the Lych had commanded disintegrated, an Azinian solder was heard to comment "Hunh. Don't see that every day." A Horde soldier replied "Yeah. First time one of those things has done us a favor."

250th day of the year

The city-state of Kreeden on the continent of Bryagel announces that on the 250th day of the year, they will be holding a language conference and all those who are interested are welcome to attend.

254th day of the year

The Dwarven country of Gemsten on the Fyngel continent announces that their Dwarven engineers have come up with a new drill design that allows for easier and quicker penetration of dense rock with less of a chance of splitting the rock.

256th day of the year

The Master Mathematics User of Magick Dr. Jameson A. Brown announces that he has perfected a means to locate and track Reapers or all varieties. He is currently in the country of Sharinnon on the continent of Kenda. He promises when he returns home to Moshven in three weeks to write up the entire procedure and method. Once written, he will have it translated in all languages and sent out to every mages guild.

259th day of the year

The followers of Faith of Azatar are preparing for their Annual celebration of Pilgrimage to the City of the Prophet. The City of the Prophet lies outside where Prophet's Rock is located in the country of Terralen. The governments of both countries have agreed that in this one instance, there are no borders for this religious pilgrimage. Terralen forces are set up on the route through the Ariddia and Terralen to assist the pilgrims' travels.

Ashlyn ath Kent, daughter of the Duchess of Kent, while working with the Arch Magus of Azin, Rygel Ath Azin, began having a waking dream. Rygel ath Azin began to write down the waking dream:

Demons of Past Futures Reborn
Redemption Falling
Redemption Failing
From the Past and the Future
I Remember Darkening Skies Turning Black
The Lighting All Around Us
I Remember each Flash as Time Began To Slow
I Remember each Flash as Time Began to Burn
Golden Breast Plate
The False Hand of God
The Falling Redemption
The Pretender
The Usurper
The Criminal
The Oath Breaker
Dark One's Minion
Has cast the Die upon Alquennas
Not the Elf
Not the Dwarf
Not the Human
Not the Haeflin
Not the Centaur
Not the Mere Folk
Not the Saurian
Not the Drakes
Demon Brother
Demon Sister
Principality of Darkness
Stand Divided
Stand Together

Mid afternoon on the continent of Terla, the Oracle of Terla (Arianna Lilith Thames) was walking her gardens. Abruptly she had a vision that physically shook her. Once recovered from her vision, she wrote 11 messages. She sent the messages through the Gate Portal to the following:

The Sultan of Azatar
The council of Dukes of Kenda
The leadership of the Realm of Sea Fair
The Duchess of Terralen
The Duchess of Kent
The Military Governor of Lords
Duke William Aday in Patronna
The High King of Azin
The Military Governess of Moshven
The High Chieftain of the Horde
The Ruling Council of the Confederation of Trista

The last part of each message stated "I pray I am not too late in this warning."

The city of Coventry in the country of Valinnia on the continent of Mednadda announces that the Duke is now expecting his fifth child. The Duke of Coventry is one of the Constables of Azin.

Duke Lenden Tollan, Duke of Frenton (the Haeflin country on the continent of Fyngel), announced that they have begun building a new class of ship. The Libro Class ship is designed as a fast courier ship for the language traders and heralds of the realms. The first ship the Libro is planned to be launched in Autumn of TK 1051.

260th day of the year

A Field Cross game between Deerfield (Azin) Rangers and Cedarvale (Creal) Stars was held in the Deerfield open stadium. Deerfield won the game with a score of six to two in regulation time.

The Elven Queen of Greater Fyngel, Alayna ath Greater Fyngel, was happy to announce that her Daughter Aiyana (Eternal Blossom) will bond (marry) Elden ath Greater Bryagel in a ceremony to be held on Midwinter's day in TK 1052.

Kenda reports that the first harvests of the year have begun in earnest. The Minister of Agriculture for Kenda commented that the weather has cooperated this growing season to provide a bountiful harvest.

Late evening (local time Terla) on the 260th day of the year, 2,500 pilgrims that were journeying from Azatar to the City of the Prophet in Terralen were camped on the side of Prophet's Road. The pilgrims had the added protection of 225 soldiers from the Duchess of Terralen as the pilgrims were now in the Terralen section of the Ocean of Sand. As night began to take hold, an ominous glowing light could be seen coming towards the pilgrim's camp. The soldiers from Terralen sent out a sortie to investigate. As the soldiers approached, the dark force behind the light began their attack. The soldiers were no match for the dark force. The dark force numbered in the tens of thousands. When the dark force finished with the both the Sortie and then the rest of the soldiers from Terralen, they turned their attention towards the pilgrims. No one was left alive, not soldier, not civilian, not even pack animals.

The Star of the Prophet, a ship registered to Azatar, was attacked by pirates who were using Skipjack class ships.

The country of Iceda on the Northern Shield reports that the annual showers of meteors are even more spectacular then they have been in over 150 years.

261st day of the year

Loryn Corborel, Grand Sultan of Azatar, defender and soldier of the Faith of Azatar, announced that 2,500 faithful worshipers of the prophet were murdered while they were under the protection of Terralen troops. He continued to remind the world that Terralen is a land controlled by a Duchess of Azin and not one of Terla or of the true faith.

Additionally, the Grand Sultan charged Azin with the sinking of the Star of the Prophet. His reasoning is that only Azin and her allies have Skipjack class ships.

The Grand Admiral of the Navy of the Realm of Sea Fair placed all of the vessels in Sea Fair waters under his direct control. He then ordered all inactive naval personnel to return to their duty stations.

The city state of Dawn on the continent of Mednadda was awakened by the roar from a Fire Drake before sunrise this day. The young adult Fire Drake had a Dwarven companion. Both had arrived from Stone's Rising. They requested access to the library of languages in the city of Dawn itself. The Lord Mayor of the city joyfully allowed them full access to the library and to the city itself.

262nd day of the year

At the Azinian University of Military Studies, the Banner of Peace is taken down. The High King of Azin has ordered that all military units go to full strength and that all reservists and inactive military personal stand ready. Additionally, the High King of Azin sent royal heralds to all of his vassals. The messages were the orders to prepare the entire country for war.

The full Council of Dukes in Kenda meets for a war session.

The Pope of the religion of the One True God sends a letter to the Grand Sultan of Azatar. The Holy Father is trying to discover a peaceful way to end the current conflict.

The Wolf Brigades and their commander are being recalled from Patronna. It should be noted that their commander, Lord Rory Tully, now commands all six of the Wolf Brigades plus a full Grand Hand of Horde troops.

A curious incident was reported by a knight from the Grand Hand to Lord Rory. The Great Orc knight reported that he had accounted for everyone in his troops and his support trains thrice over, but that when they had left the area of their last major engagement near the old lair, a single Great Orc knight had remained on watch and, by all accounts, had refused to leave his post. The knight making the report could not identify the straggler. It is not one of the knights currently listed as being on active duty. Further, the straggler bore no heraldry or identification and carried only a blank shield. Nor would the straggler remove his helmet or speak so he could be identified.

Later that night, Lord Rory received a visitor. His guards said that a lone Great Orc knight with no banner or blazon upon his shield came up to the tent and knocked. Lord Rory opened the tent flap and the knight said only "Fear not. I will keep watch for you, my brother." The knight then turned and left before Lord Rory could answer. Lord Rory looked both visibly moved and shaken. The guards did not recognize the knight's voice and were not able to determine where the knight went in the camp.

264th day of the year

All of the Azin Field Cross teams disband and return to their military commands.

All of the member nations of the Alliance of Nations agree to support any decisions that the country of Azin makes with regards to what is now being called the Azatarian issue.

The Oracle of Terla forced a waking dream upon herself. When she awoke from the waking dream, she wrote a message and took it to the Gate portal herself. She excused the Gate Portal guards. Once they had left, she set the coordinates to the Gate portal of an old friend and let it connect. She personally delivered her message.

264th day of the year

The country of Vivandar on the continent of Mednadda reports that three score of Reapers attempted to breech their northern border. The Reapers were actually fleeing from Stone's Rising. To be more precise, the Reapers were fleeing from three Adult Drakes. After the Reapers were destroyed, the Drakes politely thanked the Vivandarian soldiers for their assistance and left. It is reported that the Drakes' preferred method for dealing with the Reapers is biting them in half.

At their capital of Tel'na-Core, the Dwarves and Humans of Tel' Narra have unveiled the Statues of Progress. The Statues of Progress consist of 11 bronze statues of Humans and Dwarves working towards the future. It has been stated that 4,500 tons of bronze went into the 11 statues. The casting process is an improved process of casting bells. It is a modified lost wax process.

266th day of the year

The country of Kavendar, which borders the country of Azatar on Azatar's southern border, began deploying regular and non-regular troops on this border. The banners of the Kavendar light and heavy cavalry have been seen patrolling the border as well. Kavendar has not mobilized this number of troops since the Fourth War with the Horde.

The Horde High Chieftain, Dur-Rok, sent the High King of Azin, Rene' Nari', the following note:

My Dear Friend Rene'

I hope this letter finds you and your family well. I wanted to reassure you that the Horde plans on keeping the non-aggression pact with the Alliance of Nations during the current crisis with Azatar.

Additionally, the Horde will honor the Mutual Alliance Pact that we have with Azin, with regards to trade and the support of repairing damage ships and assisting with wounded.

I am currently on the Fire Plains near the city of Jaffa-Kar. Yes, the port city still stands. I checked this morning. I am with the Grand Hands of the Kindred Hand Clan as they practice their formations. I can see past the formations to the Field Cross stadium that the city council of Jaffa-Kar recently built. I am told its first game was to be against the team from the city of Coventry. However, with the advent of the current crisis, that game is, of course, on hold.

I look forward to when that game can be rescheduled as it will be an interesting match.

High Chieftain of the Goblinoid Hordes of Alquennas
Defender of Faith
Keeper of the Flame of Life

The Island of the Three Sisters reports that they have launched three more Skipjack Class Frigates this month. The ships are joining the Azinian Northern Fleet.

The Military Governess of Moshven ordered the Moshven High Seas Fleet to begin making sail for the country of Terralen on the continent of Terla. The High Seas Fleet is comprised of 450 warships and 100 support ships.

Sir William Aday reports that with the troop withdrawal from Patronna, he is moving back his lines as to protect the Azin Settlement. He is confident that he can hold the Azin Settlement. This move capitulates all of the gains made in the past year against the dark forces of Patronna. However if this move is not done there is a very good possibility that Patronna would fall completely under the control of the Dark Forces.

267th day of the year

Ashlyn ath Kent, haven taken over the running of the Duchy of Kent while her mother prepares for war, was walking the raised walls of the Keep of Kent when she began having a waking dream. It was recorded by the guard accompanying her:

Trap within a Trap
Game within a Game
Fire is Cold
Ice is Hot
Truth Will Set Us Free
To Arms
To Fight
On the Edge of a Knife
Hope Springs Peace
Hope Springs Daring
Hope Springs Action
Debt to a Few
A Few Happy Few
Raiders, Hunters and Knight
Sand Paper and Torrents
The Light is Not Gone
The Dark is Not Gone
Betrayal is Afoot
Councilors and Advisors
Yeomen and Peasants
Sands of Time
Time Burning
Sands Burning
On Rail or Sail

The country of Sharinnon (a member of the Trista Confederation) located on the continent of Kenda announced that the first harvests have exceeded expectations for this year.

268th day of the year

The Ministry of Science and Technology of Talis announced that the Talis Artificer and Gadgeteer, Wendell Ebert Rolfson the Fourth, has developed an improved looking glass that magnifies by 10 times.

The Duchess of Kent travels to the city of Azin with five thousand of her troops. She requests an audience with the High King of Azin. The audience is granted.

The Haeflin government of Carwin announced that they are making the area around the Temple of the Blood King into its own province as the population has now reached over two million souls living and working there. The province will be called Tellmardon which translates to Kingdom as "destination for travelers". The tax revenue has been a great windfall for the government of Carwin.

The City State of Kreeden, on the Bryagel continent, announced that they offered their services as arbitrator between Azatar and the Alliance of Nations for the current concern at no cost to either side.

The government of Azatar politely rejects the offer from the City State of Kreeden on the ground that they are a member of the Alliance of Nations and thus allied with Azin.

269th day of the year

The Alquennas Trade Association (ATA) sent heralds to Azatar and the member nations of the Alliance of Nations to offer their services as arbitrators with regards to the current concerns.

The government of Azin and Azatar both politely reject the Alquennas Trade Association's offer. Azin and Azatar also agree that this is the first item upon which they both could agree with regards to the current concerns.

270th day of the year

High King of Azin Rene' Darius Arthur Nari' sends a messenger to the Grand Sultan of Azatar. The messenger is Lord Duncan Michael Tully, Constable of Azin, and Godfather of the High King of Azin.

The city of Hope in the Ariddia (Ocean of Sand) in Terralen reports that the harvest for the Snowball fruit is the best they have ever had. Normally, they would get eight tons per acre of Snowball trees. This harvest season, they are getting 11 tons per acre.

The Grand Sultan of Azatar sends the messenger back to Azin with a message of his own.

271st day of the year

Rory Tully, his Wolf Brigades, and his Gray Legion enter the capital of Terralen where they receive a hero's welcome. After a short meeting with the Duchess of Terralen, Rory Tully and his forces began their travel to the city of Luxor.

The Great Northern Fleet of Azin makes Harbor in the Realm of Sea Fair.

Talis announces to the world that they will remain neutral with regards to the Crisis in Terla.

The Alquennas Trade Association has announced that as it is a neutral party they will continue to sell materials to both Azatar and the Alliance of Nations.

272nd day of the year

The bard, Mario Valentta, has announced he has written a new song entitled "The Inn Burners are Back in Town". He states that he has also written a lament that he desires not to ever have to sing.

273rd day of the year

A bold plan by Baroness Sumi ath Hindra ath Kent ends the hostilities and escalation of hostilities between the Alliance of Nations and the country of Azatar. Sumi is being honored as a hero for her bold ambitious plan to prove to the Grand Sultan of Azatar that none of the nations of the Alliance had anything to do with the massacre of the pilgrims to the City of the Prophet.

Baroness Sumi informed the Grand Sultan that the High King of Azin is funding the creation of defenses and rest areas along the Prophet's Road. There will be fortifications every 20 miles with accommodations for travelers.

275th day of the year

The High Queen of Azin Gwenhyfar Isabel Stewart Nari' sends a simple message to Baroness Sumi ath Kent. The message just states "You missed a meeting."

The Kenda Forces that were sent to Terla return home to Kenda. They are kept mobilized to assist with the final harvests of the year.

276th day of the year

The Forces of Azin that were previously in Patronna head back to bolster William Aday's forces. Kenda has promised to send twice its original contingent to Patronna in a few days after the harvests.

The Independent States of Kallor reports that the diamond field of Kallor has produced a rare black diamond that is over 190 carats in weight. The stone was part of a 150 lb piece of ore that, when accidentally dropped, cut the piece now known as the "Eye of Kallor" off from the rest of the ore.

277th day of the year

High King Rene' Nari' of Azin announces that the 285th day of the year will be a national day of thanks that peace was the outcome of the issue of Terla and not war.

The country of Gregoria on the continent of Mednadda announces that they will hold the User of Magick competition the first week of TK 1052.

True to his word, High King Rene' Nari' has the mobile forts of Artimus Goddard Davis of Kallon positioned 20 miles apart on the Prophet's road to protect pilgrims and travelers on the road.

There are mass celebrations throughout the world as the Crisis in Terla has ended without blood being spilt.

280th day of the year

Kenda, in keeping with its promise, sends two divisions to the island of Patronna to defeat the darkness there.

284th day of the year

The Field Cross game between the city of Kallon and the city of Arketton is held at Kallon. Arketton wins by a score of 14 to two.

The Aden-Keegan (Region of Fire) on the continent of Cimmeran reported that a patrol found something interesting.

The patrol found a piece of metal in a lava pool that was not melting. The report continues to state that the metal was cool to the touch, even in the midst of the lava pool. The Military Governor of Aden-Keegan, with permission of the High Horde Chieftain, contacted the Duke of Kallon in Azin. The Military Governor would like to send the piece of metal to Artimus Goddard Davis of Kallon. Artimus is the Artificer and Alchemist of Kallon.

285th day of the year

The churches of the country of Azin begin ringing their bells at sunrise to begin celebrating the national Day of Thanks.

The Field Cross teams of Dresden and Coventry meet to celebrate the national Day of Thanks in the stadium of Dresden. The game lasts the full time with Dresden winning with a score of three to two.

288th day of the year

The Lady of the Azin Treasury, Gallison Lanna Tempest, reports that the deployment of Azin forces into Terla has cost the Crown over 25,900 crowns.

The country of Unadrian on the continent of Mednadda reports that Reapers have assaulted villages outside of their capital city of Loth. The member nations of the Trista Confederation are sending troops to help Unadrian and her people.

290th day of the year

The Duke of Dresden pledges to pay 1/4 of the debt Azin incurred during the crisis in Terla. This is out of his own pocket and is in addition to covering his own costs for the mobilization.

Aphane reports that a caravan hauling over 200 tons of spices was robbed. There were no injuries. The caravan workers simple "woke up" and found themselves on the road without their cargo, wagons, horses, or clothes. The country of Aphane is investigating.

293rd day of the year

The Duke of Coventry pledges to pay 1/4 of the debt Azin incurred during the Crisis in Terla. Similar to the pledge by his fellow Constable, this is also out of his own pocket and is in addition to covering his own costs for the mobilization.

299th day of the year

The pre-race gala is being held in the Realm of Sea Fair. The race is 10,500 Nautical Miles. There are over 10,000 that attend the gala.

Night Watchers (astronomers) report that on the night of the 298th day of the year, the planet Colonna began a light show that was visible with the naked eye for over an hour.

The Duchess of Kent, joining with her fellow Constables, also pledges to pay 1/4 of the debt Azin occurred during the Crisis in Terla.

The High Queen of Azin, Gwenhyfar Isabel Stewart Nari', presents the Duchess of Kent with the Star of Courage for her role in preventing the War with Azatar. The Queen presents Sumi, Baroness of Azin, with the Queen's Medal of Valor. Baroness Sumi also is promoted to a larger Barony under the Duchess of Kent.

300 day of the year

The Great Ocean race around the continent of Terla begins. There are over 1,000 ships of all types, sizes, and national registries. The start of the race began as 3,000 doves were released into the air.

Kenda reports that a score of Reapers began moving inland from the east cost of the country. The Kendan military has begun evacuating villages in their path. The Kendan military is additionally preparing to meet the Reapers in combat.

The Pride of Moshven and her sister ship, the Star of Moshven, are in the lead in the Great Race of Terla. The Haeflin ship, the Star of the 5th Sphere, has been disqualified as it attempted to ram another vessel at the start of the race. There are five ships that have advanced significantly, leaving the rest of the pack behind. These ships are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, The Oakbow, The Sunken, Morning Grace

301st day of the year

The Realm of Sea Fair reports that the Oakbow, a ship of Fyngel registry, took the lead this morning from the two Moshven ships. The Oakbow is a modified Elven sloop.

The Kingdom of Tra-len announces that they are considering leaving the Trista Confederation and are entertaining ideas on which alliance, if any, they will ally themselves with.

The Ogre ship, The Iceda Shard, begins to melt. Foul play is being considered as the cause since the Iceda Shard is comprised of Ice of the Sea Drake.

The top five ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, The Oakbow, The Sunken, Morning Grace

The country of Stone's Rising on the continent of Mednadda is happy to report that the largest number of Dragon Eggs has hatched this day. A total of 15 eggs have hatched. The dragons born today are:

Fire Drake - 7, Water Drake - 5, Forest Drake - 3

The government of Stone's Rising is consulting with the scholars of the City State of Dawn for auspicious names for the infant Drakes.

The government of Tel' Narra on the continent of Vitainnia reports that they have discovered a rich vein of Green Flake Obsidian. The vein is in the remains of a dormant volcano.

302nd day of the year

Ashlyn ath Kent, having just returned to her holding, began inspecting the gardens when a waking dream began to fill her vision. Her scribe began to write down the words that she spoke.

Magick and Faith
Fire and Ice
Water and Air
Earth and Energy
All in One
One in All
By any Other Name
Would be as Powerful
As Balancing
As Lovely
Darkness Fails
Darkness Retries
Darkness will Win
Eventually Darkness Will Win
If the Quest Fails
Some Will Fall
Some Will Rise
All May Fall
The Light of Wonders
The Magick of Light

Kenda reports that their military has engaged the Reapers. The casualties number in the hundreds from this engagement. However, the score of Reapers has been destroyed. The report continues to state that there were six different types of Reapers catalogued in the attack.

The Horde Ship, the Sunken, has taken over the lead in the Great Race of Terla. The Kendan Ship, Wreck, collided with the Elven sloop Oakbow.

The top five ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace

The Oracle of Terla announces that there will be a solar eclipse that will affect most of Alquennas to take place starting on the 306th day of the year. She does not know the duration of the eclipse. Several astrologers throughout the realms predict great upheavals will occur during the eclipse since the Oracle’s predicted occurrence does not match records of previous eclipses.

303rd day of the year

The Great Race of Terla heats up as the center pack of racers encounter pirates using Rogue Class Ships. The Horde ship, the Sunken; The Azin ships, Morning Grace and Queen's Messenger; and the Moshven ship, Pride of Moshven, all turned toward the center of the pack to assist the other boats with the pirates. The top five ships in the race are all modified warships with their armament intact.

The country of Carwin reports that there has been a robber at the Temple of the Blood King. The items that were stolen were not yet catalogued; however, it is known that more than 400 pieces were stolen. The guards were found tied and gagged, along with a note. The note stated the following: "Thank you for having lousy guards. Have a nice day."

The Ogre ship, Iceda Shard, pulls out of the race. At this point, the once proud sloop has become nothing more than a simple raft and the crew is forced to declare their withdrawal. An Azinian ship, The Ship of the Three Sisters, comes to the rescue of the crew of the Iceda Shard. In gratitude, the crew of the Iceda Shard joins the crew of the Ship of Three Sisters. It is reported that the new joint crew is extremely motivated to regain lost ground.

The top five ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace

The country of Currerria on the continent of Vitainnia reports that a band of Lycanthropes, comprised of Wereboars, has begun terrorizing the countryside. The government of Currerria has sent three columns to hunt down the Lycanthropes.

The country of Traden on the continent of Mednadda reports that it is discussing terms with the ATA for an alliance.

304th day of the year

The Battle Fleet from the Realm of Sea Fair engaged the pirates that had assaulted the member ships in the Great Race of Terla.

The city state of Kreeden reports that the Captain of the Guard of Kreeden and 100 of the city guards were found tied up, gagged, and without clothes. They were discovered at the Building of Archives. It was then discovered that more than 2,000 documents, scrolls, tablets have been stolen.

The Azinian ship, Queen's Messenger, has taken the lead by 1/4 of a mile. The Queen's Messenger is a modified Skip Jack Class Ship.

The top five ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace

Trailing just 150 yards behind the five top ships is the Ship of Tree Sisters. Observers of the Ship of the Three Sisters report a rather energized, jovial, and determined atmosphere aboard ship.

The country of Stone's Rising on the continent of Mednadda is happy to report the names of the baby Drakes. The names are:

Name Gender Drake Type
Ember Female Fire Drake
Patron Male Fire Drake
Quenna Female Fire Drake
Sumi-Dra Female Fire Drake
Alieen Female Fire Drake
Carban Male Fire Drake
Alyssa Female Fire Drake
Poseidon Male Water Drake
Gwen Female Water Drake
Arga Female Water Drake
Shard Female Water Drake
Gallen Male Water Drake
Robin Female Forest Drake
Littleton Male Forest Drake
Marian Female Forest Drake

305th day of the year

The peace delegation from Azatar arrives in the capital city of Azin. This is the beginning of two weeks of meetings to start and continue a dialog between the two countries. It is hoped that this dialog will help resolve any future issues that may arise.

The City State of Kreeden on the continent of Bryagel announces that they have signed a treaty directly with the country of Bryagel for mutual support during times of crisis and natural disasters.

The Great Race of Terla had a tragic day as 15 ships from different nations collided while trying to make the turn around marker 45. No one was seriously hurt; however, the 15 ships are out of the race.

The top five ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace

The ship Linden's Hope from Talis is not far from the leaders.

306th day of the year

The country of Kenda reports that a score of Reapers attempted to make a landing on their southern shore this morning. Three of the Kendan Dragon Divisions met the Reapers. The Reapers were stopped even before they touched the soil of Kenda.

The Island of Three Sister's reports that they have finished constructing another Dry Dock and an indoor facility with a grand water tank that will allow them to test ship designs in miniature. The idea of testing miniature scale models of ships came from the renowned artificer and alchemist Artimus Goddard Davis of Kallon's assistants, Sir Adam and Sir Jamie.

Linden's Hope, while trying to pass the Sunken, ran aground on a reef. The ship took two hours to become sea borne again. The Linden's Hope is still in the race.

The Field Cross team from the city of Dresden defeated the Field Cross team from the city of Kallon. The score was 10 to three.

The top five ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace

307th day of the year

The last of the Azin mobile fortifications have been placed on the Prophet's Road. Each fortification has three columns of Azin soldiers. The goal of the mobile fortifications is to ensure the safe passage of pilgrims going to the City of the Prophet in Terralen from the country of Azatar.

It should be noted that several governments have made inquires of Artimus Goddard Davis of Kallon, the creator of the mobile fortification, on how they would go about purchasing their own mobile fortifications. Artimus Goddard Davis has informed the several governments that they will need to discuss this with the First Knight of Azin; Alexandria Elizabeth Tempest Varga.

The city of Trackan (Tempest) in the Region of Storms on the Horde Home Continent of Cimmeran reports that an outbreak of Red Fever was reported on the 306th day of the year. Forces of the Obsidian Hand quarantined and eradicated all those infected and within 600 yards of those infected. It has been reported that seven thousand members of the Horde were eradicated.

Historical Note: In TK 750, an outbreak of Red Fever killed over 3 million citizens of the Horde. The High Chieftain of The Horde, in TK 751, passed the Eradication Law.

The Dwarven county of Gemsten on the Fyngel continent reports that, while attempting to improve on the Hell Fire Lances for the Alliance of Nation Fleets, there was an accident that destroyed nine stone structures. The signs of the forthcoming accident allowed for everyone to escape the explosion thus causing no casualties. The area of the nine buildings has a three-inch layer of glass where the sand used to be.

The ship, the Prince of Sand, moved up from last place to 11th place in the Great Race of Terla. It appears that the crew finally was able to raise their sails to the top of their masts.

The top five ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace

The Science Ministry of Talis released a repot on the effects of life living on and near the sea wall of Talis. The magically made structure is home to tens of thousands of different species. The Sea Wall is a great source of food and income to the country of Talis.

Duke William Aday reports from Patronna that the Giants have evacuated their claimed area and detonated the Gate Portal in that area. The Giants returned to the area hours after they detonated the Gate Portal. When asked why, the Giants stated, "It seemed like a good idea at the time."

308th day of the year

The Markez Family of Kenda announces that they are funding a new aquaculture venture off the cost of Kenda. Due to an accidental encounter, it has been discovered that a mid water kelp is not only healthy to eat but is now considered a delicacy by many that have tried it.

The government of Stone's Rising on the continent of Mednadda reports that several of their juvenile charges were found playing with a Reaper. They were playing with one of the smaller Reapers, but a Reaper. The Juvenile Drakes were upset that their caretakers took away their plaything. The remains of the Reaper are being transported to the Duchess of Kent in the country of Azin. The question is how and where the Juvenile Drakes acquired their plaything.

A giant waterspout suddenly appeared in the main pack of ships in the Great Race of Terla. It has been reported that 100 ships have been sunk. The Realm of Sea Fair's Navy is rescuing the crews. The Guild of Mages of the Realm of Sea Fair is investigating.

The top five ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace

309th day of the year

The government of Iceda on the continent of the Northern Shield reports that they believe they have deciphered some of the text found on tablets in the Temple of the Blood King. They reference the changing disease that the Blood King brought to Alquennas. The tablets state that the Blood King was unaware that he brought the disease to Alquennas until his 90th year on Alquennas.

The Minister of Cultural Affairs for Azin, Gareth Dacis, announces that the Crown has added Field Cross to the national games of Azin.

Reports on the Great Race of Terla states that, early this morning, the ship from the country of Alima on the continent of the Southern Shield called the Ice Dagger broke from the pack and is making a claim to be in the top 10 ships. The Ice Dagger is another ship made of Ice of the Sea Drake and is changing its shape to accommodate weather and sea conditions.

The top five ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace

The Ice Dagger is two miles behind the leaders and catching up.

310th day of the year

A report from the city of Schwert (Swords) in the province of Battle in the Region of Honor on the continent of Cimmeran states that Ar-Rog, a Great Orc Knight, defeated a Reaper with his bare hands. Ar-Rog is a Hand Commander. He will be honored at the Feast of the Blade on the 400th day of the year.

The Kingdom of Tra-len reports that their last harvest for the year has begun and the yields are greater than last year with the exception of Snow Ball fruits where the numbers are lower than last year.

Reports on the Great Race of Terla states the Ice Dagger is now among the leaders of the race. It is now a six-ship bid for first place.

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

311th day of the year

Alquan of the Aira Ocean, Queen of the Mere Folk of the Aira Ocean, sent a message to the High King of Azin.

The country of Talis on the continent of Vitainnia reports from their yields from the aqua-harvest and their land-harvest they will be able to export 10% of their harvest this year.

Note: This is the first year since the Crisis of Talis that the country has been able to feed its entire population and have a surplus to export from their harvests.

The country of Bryagel on the continent of Bryagel reports that their ship fields have begun upgrading to the Azin system of dry docks. By the first of TK 1052, the shipyards of Bryagel should have five dry docks.

Reports on the Great Race of Terla states that the Kenda Wind Galleon class ship Dragon's Wind breaks free from the pack as they raise what they are calling side sails. The Side sails triples the number of sails and gallons of sail the ship has. The ship is leaving the pack behind.

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

312th day of the year

The Alliance of Nations has decided that the Alquennas World Equestrian Games are to commence stating on the 200th day of TK 1052. It has been decided that they will be held where they originated in the country of Kavendar on the continent of Terla.

The country of Moshven on the continent of Cellenda announces that it has signed an agreement with their northern neighbor of Azin that will allow unhindered passage for citizens of Azin to enter into the country of Moshven and for citizens of Moshven to travel and enter into Azin unhindered. Citizens from both countries will need to obtain papers from their Ministers of Roads and Waterways that they can display when they cross the border.

Reports from the Great Race of Terla states that the main pack has thinned out once more as the racers encountered a severe storm last night. The race lost 45 ships due to storm damage. There were no casualties reported after the storm.

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

313th day of the year

The Alliance of Nations extends a formal invitation to the Horde Nation to attend and compete in the Alquennas World Equestrian Games in TK 1052.

The country of Verdar on the continent of Kenda reports that they have discovered a very rich vein of emeralds and other beryls near their capital city of Verdarn.

Reports on the Great Race of Terla states that the racers are enjoying a fine day at sea. The weather has been gentle with an 18-knot wind in their favor.

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

314th day of the year

The Horde sends heralds to every nation belonging to the Alliance of Nations. The messages the heralds carry with them are all the same. The message states that the Goblinoid Hordes of Alquennas would be most honored to attend and compete in the TK 1052 Alquennas World Equestrian Games. The message continued to state that the Horde looks forward to seeing their best riders compete against the world's best riders in honorable competition.

The government of Unadrian on the continent of Mednadda has informed the Alliance of Nations that they will not be sending a team to the TK 1052 Alquennas World Equestrian Games. Note: Unadrian is a member of the Trista Confederation.

As twilight begins to loom over Kent, a traveler exits the public Gate Portal of Arketton in full plate armor. He introduces himself as the Red Knight to the Saurian: Dragon Kin Gate Portal Guards. His next words "Take me to the Duchess of Kent." The Saurian: Dragon Kin escort the Red Knight to the Duchess of Kent.

Reports on the Great Race of Terla states that the Horde armored paddle wheeler Staga Fur (sword's fury) hit a Giant sea turtle measuring more than 40 feet. The sea turtle appears to have taken no damage. The turtle has capsized the Staga Fur. All of the crew from the Staga Fur has been rescued.

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

315th day of the year

The First Knight of Azin, Alexandria Elizabeth Tempest Varga, announced that the Wolf Brigades, currently in Patronna, would soon return home. The Wolves were only meant as a stopgap measure until a force was trained for the Patronna campaign. The Eagle Brigades have finished their training and will soon depart for Patronna. Baron Justin Edmund Adier, who is a hero of the Liberation of Coventry, will lead the Eagle Brigades.

Reports from the country of Carwin on the continent Xendarna concerning the area of the Temple of The Blood King, state that the city located near the Temple of the Blood King has reached a population of over two million inhabitants. The government of Carwin is officially requesting assistance. It is unknown what is drawing people to this area. The government of Carwin has had the area researched by User of Magick, Clerical members of different faiths and by healers. They do not know what is making people leave their lives to journey to this area.

The government of Tel' Narra announces that they will hold a tournament of killed games starting on the 20th day of TK 1052. The events will last 10 days. All are welcomed to enter. The games of skill will include:

Chess, Castle, Rooks Decision, Warri

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

316th day of the year

The Horde Union announces that it will turn over documents, tablets, and records that concern the Reapers to the country of Azin. The Horde Union announces they have several thousand documents concerning the Reapers.

Rygel Ath Azin and his family will be touring the continents of Kenda, Mednadda, and Xendarna. He will be meeting with the Guild of Mages of each country. His goal is to exchange ideas and methods to help the people of Alquennas.

The government of the City State of Kreeden on the continent of Bryagel report that they have completed copying text from over 2,000 tablets onto parchment. They have then translated the ancient writings to modern Kingdom, Haeflin and Elvish. The parchment documents will be on display at the Kreeden Library.

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

318th day of the year

The government of Traden announces that it will host a trade fair on the 33rd day of TK 1052. All merchants from all countries except the Horde Union are welcomed.

The government of Kenda welcomes the Arch Magus of Azin to their lands. Rygel will be traveling to Draconic Splendor to meet with the Lady of Draconic Splendor.

The government of The Independent States of Kallor on the continent of Terla announces that they have offered to host trade and peace negotiations at their capital city for any factions or merchant guild. They just completed a renovation of their capital city that took 26 months. Kallor is neutral concerning world affairs.

A report from the Island of Three Sisters states that they have completed the first Modified Mammoths Class ship. The Woolly as the builders call it is 1 and 1/2 times the size of the Mammoth Class. They will begin sea trials immediately. To assist in maneuvering the Woolly, the shipwrights have incorporated some design elements from Horde River Craft. These include paddle wheels to turn the ship and a center plane.

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

320th day of the year

The government of Azatar has sent heralds to all of the members of the Alliance of Nations and to the Trista Confederation. The Heralds carry a message stating that the government of Azatar is closing its borders to all Horde and Haeflin trade.

The Government of Talis on the continent of Vitainnia announces that, after 4,000 years, the Philosophy University of Talis will re-open its doors on the first day of TK 1052, along with six other universities. Talis is trying to bring back the education that made their country great in the past.

The Heralds of Kallon delivered a message from the Lord Mayor of Kallon to the nobles of the country of Azin. The message stated that the Artificer and Alchemist Artimus Goddard Davis of Kallon would be demonstrating his new military invention. The Artificer has named his invention the rapid repeating bolt-firing machine of defense. His assistants call it the porcupine maker. The device will be demonstrated on the 340th day of the year.

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

323rd day of the year

The government of Alike on the continent of the Southern Shield reports that an Arrow Class Fast sloop beached on its shores this morning. The ship did not have any markings upon it. This includes any builder's marks. The ship's cargo hold was full of oats and barrels of wine. There were no signs of a crew.

The government of Vivandar on the continent of Mednadda announces that they are forming a Field Cross Team that will compete in TK 1052. This is the first signs that the country of Vivandar is ending their isolation. Their isolation has lasted over 500 years.

A report from the Horde city of Avba (Obsidian) on the continent of Cimmeran states that two Reapers appeared just outside the city. One of the Shamans dropped part of the city walls on the Reapers. The Reapers were dispatched. The Remains are being transported to the Duchess of Kent

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

324th day of the year

The government of Gemsten reports that their miners have found a rich deposit of green flake obsidian and will begin to harvest it. The deposit has been recently created according to the Master miners of the Dwarves. The lack of volcanic or tectonic movement concerning this find is disturbing to the Master miners.

Azatarian fishermen off the southern coast of Terla caught a Colossal Squid that measured over 90 feet in length. The Colossal Squid is alive and is currently in captivity in a pen located in the harbor city of Tabuk in Azatar. The scholars of Azatar have invited scholars from around the world to help study the great creature. The Azatar government is not only permitting this exchange, they are encouraging this exchange. The Azatar government is willing to pay for Gate Portal travel to any scholar wishing to study the great creature.

The government of Sharinnon on the continent of Kenda reports that heavy rains caused a mudslide that covered 25 villages. The estimated loss of life is 24,500 people, with many more injured and homeless.

All of the nations on the continent of Kenda are sending aid to Sharinnon to assist in the natural disaster.

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

325th day of the year

The Governments of Azin, Moshven, Valinnia, Katonnan, Gregoria, the Horde continent, and Stone's Rising have begun sending support and troops to help the government of Sharinnon with the clean up after the mud slide.

The government of Traden claims that the Alliance of Nations is attempting to alter the government of Sharinnon by sending their so-called "support" and troops to Sharinnon. The government of Traden demands that the Alliance of Nations withdraw their troops.

During the second day of its sea trial, the Woolly struck a reef and its keel broke. The ship has been set afire as not to create a hazard to navigation.

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

326th day of the year

The High Queen of Azin, Gwenhyfar Isabel Stewart Nari', sends a letter to the government of Traden. The letter reads as follows:

To the governmental body of Traden:

How dare you attempt to stop anyone from fulfilling their commitment to the Three Great Laws of Alquennas? By denying aid to those devastated by the natural disaster in Sharinnon, we would be denying food and water to those in need. I am personally outraged at your attempt to stop this aid.

I encourage you to inspect the "Support" we are sending to Sharinnon. As we would verify your "Support”, you are sending to aid in the relief efforts. Then again, it is my understanding that you are not assisting your fellow ally in the Trista Confederation when their needs are great. My accusation is that your country will allow innocent people to suffer death by hunger and thirst. Do I need to make this a formal charge against your country gentlemen?

Gwenhyfar Isabel Stewart Nari'
High Queen of Azin
Defender of the Innocent
Avenger of those who have been wronged

The lead racers in the Great Race of Terla have reached the half way mark of the race. There are still 750 ships in the race.

The country of Gregoria announces that they will additional categories for the User of Magick duel in TK 1052. They will also have displays of magical creatures at the TK 1052 magical games.

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

329th day of the year

The government of Greater Fyngel reports that a score of Reapers appeared near their vale. The Reapers were driven off but not destroyed. There are still 18 Reapers at large in Greater Fyngel. The Greater Fyngel government reports that over 50 of their citizens were killed by the Reapers in the single attack.

The country of Kisda on the continent of the Northern Shield reports that a meteor landed in Kisda. The meteor is rich with meteor rock. The Ogre smiths are rendering the meteor rock. The Kisda government estimated they should get over 200 pounds of meteor rock from this one meteor.

All of the governments of Fyngel, Bryagel, Terla the Northern Shield and the Southern Shield have begun sending aid to Sharinnon. The remaining countries have begun organizing aid efforts for those affected by the mudslides.

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

331st day of the year

In the town of Dubshire in the province of Kallon, there has been a rash of Breaking and Entering incidents in over 30 homes. Authorities state that it appears the criminal or criminals are not interested in any items, as nothing has been stolen. One of the local deputies was quoted saying, "We will get these sinister criminals."

The city-state of Kreeden reports that requests for copies of their recently translated works has increased greatly. The Scribes of Kreeden are working as quickly as they can to fill the orders.

Kreeden announces that Traven Coss ath Kreeden, who is a proclaimed Master of Magick, will represent Kreeden in the TK 1052 Mages Games. Traven has been quoted as saying that he looks forward to crossing magicks with Rygel ath Azin.

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

333rd day of the year

The Duchess of Kent sent messengers to every government of all of the realms of Alquennas, regardless of their alliances or faction allegiances. The message carried by her heralds was a report on the Reaper investigation that included methods for dispatching the Reapers.

The reclusive government of Vivandar has announced that Thomas Sharpe ath Vivandar, the Grand Magus of Vivandar, will represent Vivandar in the TK 1052 Mages Games.

The Government of Aphane on the Continent of Vitainnia reports that a forest fire destroyed over 10,000 acres of new growth forest. The Aphane government is looking into what, how, or who started the fire.

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

337th day of the year

Moshven announces that they will be exporting Cocoa once again. This will start on first day of TK 1052. Moshven also announced that Tam Reding would be representing Moshven in the Mages game of TK 1052.

The freely elected government of Talis announced that they have unearthed several chambers of records from the Ancient Empire of Vitainnia, also known as the Empire of Road Builders. At one time, the mostly Human controlled empire ruled the entire continent of Vitainnia as well as several others. These records are dated from the last 250 years of the Empire. The government of Talis is requesting help from scholars with the translation and cataloging of these stone tablets and parchment scrolls.

The Moshven Western Fishing Fleet returned to harbor two days after it sailed. The holds of the ships are filled with fish. It has been the best trip the fishing fleet has had in years.

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

339th day of the year

The city of Lords announces that Gaven Sills ath Lords will represent the city of Lords in the TK 1052 Mages Games.

The city of Dresden reports that they have discovered a cache of weapons from the Fourth War with the Horde four miles southwest of the city. The weapons are of Horde design. The Duke of Dresden will decide what to do with the weapons.

The Dwarven government of Xendana sent a message to the Great Elves of Bryagel. The Dwarves discovered an unusual tree in one of their forests. The government of Bryagel will send Tree Tenders to Xendana to investigate.

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

340th day of the year

The Artificer and Alchemist Artimus Goddard Davis of Kallon with a crowd of over 25,000 began the demonstration of his knew military machine. The Artificer has named his invention the rapid repeating bolt-firing machine of defense. His assistances call it the porcupine maker. The Artificer successfully demonstrated how to set up, load and fire the device. The device has the ability to fire 10 bolts a minute with an extreme range of 1,600 feet. The device takes two minutes to re-load. When asked by a noble from Westhold how they can order these machines the Artificer informed him to check with the First Knight of Azin and the Blue Book of Alquennas.

The Duchess of Kent announces that Rebecca Stone ath Kent, Marcus ath Kent, Debra ath Kent, and herself will represent Kent in the TK 1052 Mages Games

A report from Stormvyle of Shadows the current ruler of the country of the Region of Ne' Tal (Shadow Elves) on the continent of Kenda states that they have been tracking a group of Reapers. They have been tracking them on the continent of Kenda for 50 days. They appear to be searching for something. The Reapers have avoided contact with any and all inhabitants of the continent of Kenda. There are six Reapers in this party. Four of the Reapers are the standard large warrior (Type III) and the remaining two are smaller and are more agile and seam to be leading the other Reapers.

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

342nd day of the year

The Sheriff's Office for the province of Kallon in the country of Azin reports they have captured the six criminals that were responsible for the break-ins in the town of Dubshire. The five 200 plus pound pigs were eating their way into the thatched wattle and dub houses. The pigs have been sentenced to death and will provide a great feast for the inhabitants of the town of Dubshire.

In the Ariddia (Ocean of Sand), Terralen troops discovered the remains of a Cross Roads Gate Portal. A Gate Portal Magus was asked to divine the last address the Cross Roads Gate Portal had in the system. The Gate Portal Magus, Atitiisee Ank ath Lords, attempted to discern the information. She collapsed and regained conscious two hours later. She informed the soldiers that a great darkness had destroyed the Cross Roads Gate Portal. She did not provide any other data.

The city-state of Koalh has announced that it will be sending a team of six Users of Magick to the TK 1052 Mages Games. The Users of Magicks are:

Sam ath the Shire, Tyme ath Koalh, Rangle ath Koalh, Rose ath Koalh, Raven the Crow ath Koalh, River Mat ath Koalh

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

343rd day of the year

The High Queen of Azin Gwenhyfar Isabel Stewart Nari' announces that Rygel Ath Azin will represent Azin in the TK 1052 Mages Games.

Atitiisee Ank ath Lords left the continent of Terla used a Gate Portal and traveled to the province of Kent in the country of Azin.

A report from Stone's Rising, states that three Drake eggs have hatched. The types of dragons that have hatched are:

Fire Drake, Sea Drake, Forest Drake

The Dwarves of Stone's Rising are consulting the Scholars at Haeflin city of Dawn for names for the three new drakes.

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

345th day of the year

The Duchess of Kent traveled to Kenda to meet up with Rygel Ath Azin on his tour.

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

346th day of the year

The Duke of Dresden announced that his wife, Princess Mikhaila Isis Isabel Katrina Nari', will represent Dresden in the TK 1052 Mages Games.

Sky Watchers (astronomers) from the Kenda University of Science and the Arts in the Kenda city of Normandy report that what appear to be volcanoes on the body known as Colonna are erupting.

The city of Ganit, the capital of the country of Ganit on the continent of the Southern Shield, reports that an assassination attempt was foiled by their home guard. The group of assassins attempted to kill the entire ruling council. The group of 15 assassins was cornered entering the building. The assassins killed themselves rather then surrendered. They each drank a dose of a mixture and their bodies burned to ashes. It is unknown what race the assassins were. The Ogres attempted to divine information concerning them, however were unable to. The Ogres report that great magick is being used to hide the identities of the assassins.

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

348th day of the year

Rygel ath Azans' wife, being late in her pregnancy, returns home with her daughter from the tour of nations. Rygel will continue his tour of nations.

The Great Elves of Bryagel report that the unusual tree that the Dwarves of Xendana (339th day if the year) is a heart tree. There are currently no Elves living in the country of Xendana. The Bryagel Great Elves are still investigating.

A fleet of pirates attempted to attack the racers of the Great Terla Race. The pirates' mistake was the location they attempted to attack the racers. They attacked the racers in the waters off the country of Terralen, a settlement of Azin. The Azin Grand Southern Fleet dealt with the pirates. Some of the racers were quoted as saying "Burnt Pirate ships, lots of them. It must be the 348th day of the year.”

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

349th day of the year

The lead racers in the Great Race of Terla have entered the final leg of the race.

The Horde High Chieftain Dur-Rok announced that Aum-Ro Rok ath Horde and Aum-Rok Larna Ath Horde would represent the Horde at the TK 1052 Mages Games.

The Eagle Brigades of Azin have begun relieving the Wolf Brigades and the Grey Legion in Patronna. The Gray Legion will be going to their new home on the Island of Man, one of the territories controlled by House Tully. The island of Man is 45 miles west of the west coast of Azin. Duke William Aday reported that the former Azin settlement is almost completely back in the hands of the living.

The Haeflin government of the country of Frenton on the Fyngel continent report that their fishing fleet discovered 30 ships set adrift in the ocean. The ships did not contain any maker's marks or have any papers to identify themselves. The ships appear to be warships. The Haeflins of Frenton have moved the 30 ships into one of their protected harbors for further investigation.

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

350th day of the year

The Fyngel Green and Silver Company reports they have dispatched the Reapers that attacked Greater Fyngel.

Preparations for the day of Saint Christopher in the Church of the One True God have begun. Additionally, preparations for All Hollows Eve have begun.

The country of Pinewood on the continent of Kenda sends a message to the nations of the Alliance of Nations. The message is not discussed by the heralds and will only be given to the leaders of the member nations of the Alliance of Nations. The country of Pinewood is an Elven country that is allied with the Trista confederation.

The top six ships in the Great Race of Terla are:

The Pride of Moshven, The Star of Moshven, Queen's Messenger, The Sunken, Morning Grace, Ice Dagger

The government of Stone's Rising announced the names of the three newest Drakes to be born.

Type Gender Name
Fire Drake Female Seren
Sea Drake Female Snaedis
Forest Drake Female Saphira

Seren - Emerald Island Star
Snaedis - Ancinet for the Goddess of snow
Saphira - Terla for Sapphire because of her eyes

351st day of the year

A Farmer found the head and torso of a Minotaur. It was made from an unusual metal that they had never encountered before. It was found south of the City of Lords. Upon further investigation, the metal was determined to be brass and inside the head and torso were gears, pulleys and other unusual mechanical items.

Reapers were sighted in the southern forests of the country of Kenda. A merchant traveling home from the grand market saw four Reapers. The Dragon Divisions have been sent to hunt them down.

The country of Greater Fyngel reports that they have almost completed their new fast messenger ocean vessel. They are calling it the Greater Fyngel Class. The sea trials for the Greater Fyngel Class will be just after the first of the New Year.

352nd day of the year

A Hydra nest was discovered outside the Grand Sultan's keep in Azatar. The nest contained one adult female hydra and 11 hatchlings. The Sultan's personal guard dispatched the Hydra and its offspring.

The Great Race of Terla is almost completed. The Racers have less than a day's travel to make it to the finish line. The number of ships left in the race is 545 ships. Several storms and other natural and unnatural obstacles have ended the hopes of several of the contestants.

The ATA (Alquennas Trade Association) announced that they would be increasing their rates in TK 1052. This is due to higher costs of doing business in the realms of Alquennas. The ATA stated that if the governments of the Realms would allow easier and less costly access to the markets in their domains that they would not need to raise their rates.

353rd day of the year

Philip Darcy, the Minister of the King's Roads and Waterways for the Country of Azin and her Settlements, announced that in TK 1052 it would be easier for commoners to obtain a permit to ride horse and to command river and ocean craft. This is from a discussion that was held between the Constables of Azin and Philip Darcy's office.

The Grand Canal project has built over 30 miles of new canals in the country of Azin. The project is planned on taking 10 years.

The Horde port city of Jaffa-Kar reports that they have encountered a Leviathan. The great creature began attacking merchant vessels and harbor facilities early this morning. The Horde Defense ship, Obsidian Spear, drove the great creature from the harbor.

The Obsidian Spear did not pursue the Great Creature past the harbor's breakwaters.

The winner of the Great Race of Terla is announced. The winner is The Star of Moshven.

355th day of the year

The country of Verdar on the continent of Kenda reports that two Reapers were hunted down three miles from their capital. The Reapers appeared to be searching for something. What they were looking for no one knows.

The Northern Shield Reports that they have had a triple rainbow for the last two days.

The City State of Dawn on the continent of Mednadda reports that they have completed translating a series of tablets and scrolls from the Temple of the Blood King. Several are stories from another realm. Some contain the journal of servants of the Blood King during the rise of the Lycanthropes. These accounts pre-date the known existent of the 1214 BK changelings by several hundred years. They are dated to a time in1800 BK, 90 years after the Blood King's Arrival on Alquennas.

357th day of the year

Sir William Aday, the Duke Commander of the Patronna campaign, sent a report back to Azin. It stated that they have found a parchment scroll in the former stronghold of a Lych's apprentice (Necromancer). The scroll predicts the return of the Blood King and what actions need to be taken to bring it about.

The capital city of Kavendar of the country of Kavendar on the continent of Terla reports that eight giant sea turtles that measure more than 25 feet swam ashore early this morning. The scholars of Kavendar are studying the creatures. They have not ventured in land at this time.

The government of Talis announced that they have discovered the journals of Emperor Octavian Creen. Creen was the Emperor that began the great road-building project in Talis and the rest of the continent of Vitainnia several thousand years ago. The Road project allowed the revolution that brought down the Empire of Vitainnia to occur.

360th day of the year

The Lord Mayor of Kallon announces that the Artificer, Artimus Goddard, will be testing a new adaptation of one of his devices upon the morrow. The area southwest of Kallon will be cleared for safety.

The Fifth Sphere of Haeflin Influence on the continent of Kenda announces that it is going to begin the new ATA rates on the first of TK 1052.

361st day of the year

The Artificer of Kallon announced that the modification to the repeating bolt thrower failed. He continued to state that he would pay for the two cows that were killed when the boiler exploded.

363rd day of the year

The Cartwrights of Moshven have developed a new cart that makes loading and unloading items easier. The wagon's bed can be raised or lowered. The wagon bed can be lowered all the way to the ground or raised up an additional six feet above the wheel tops.

The Horde city of Falda-Gar (folded Winged Warrior) reported that Reapers were sighted outside of the defensive walls of the city. A Hand of warriors was sent to dispatch the Reapers. The Hand followed the Reapers for most of the day, to study them. The Reapers appeared to be working, performing a search pattern. At dusk, the 340 Horde warriors assaulted the eight Reapers. The eight Reapers were dispatched. The Hand lost 240 warriors in the fight.

Language Note: the word Falda has the same meaning in several languages on Alquennas. Falda means folded wing.

The capital of Frenton, the Shire of Winds, announced that one of their alchemists died in an explosion while trying a recipe found in the Temple of the Blood King. The scroll was lost in the explosion and the three copies that were made were also lost in the explosion. This is because the explosion destroyed not only the lab of the alchemist but part of the translation department of the University of Frenton.

366th day of the year

The countries of Traden and Unadrian, both located on the continent of Mednadda and both members of the Trista Confederation, announced that they will fight the increased rates of the ATA which will include not using the ATA for international trade. The ATA sent heralds to Traden and Unadrian informing them that not using the ATA for international trade goes against all international trade agreements.

Traden and Unadrian responded to the ATA by sending back their heralds without their heads attached. The message sent with the bodies is simple. Traden or Unadrian no longer employs the ATA. Additionally, any interference by the ATA in the sovereign trade of Traden and Unadrian will be considered an act of war.

368th day of the year

The country of Azatar and Trista confirm their support for Traden and Unadrian. Both countries send messages to ATA that their services will no longer be needed.

The city of Kallon reported that 150 head of cattle have been stolen from the grasslands just west of the city. The city Sheriff is investigating this incident.

Kenda reports that cattle steeling has increased. It has been reported that 510 head of cattle were stolen last night.

The government of Azatar reports that 1,500 cattle were stolen last night on the grasslands on the western shores of the country. The city of Lords reports that thieves attempted to steal 150 head of cattle last night. The Thieves were caught. They informed the authorities that the Sinister 9 employed them.

370th day of the year

The rest of the member nations of the Trista Confederation inform the ATA that their services will no longer be required. Additionally any interference with any member of the Trista Confederation will be regarded as an act of War against all of the members of the Trista Confederation.

All of the members of the ATA appeal to the Alliance of Nations for assistance concerning the Trista Confederation. The ATA states that the Trista Confederation is committing acts of war against free trade.

The Duchess of Kent announces that she is increasing her lancers from 18 to 25 Lancer brigades. The Lancers will assist in cattle and other herding ventures. This will ensure that there will be proper protection against cattle thieves.

374th day of the year

The Strategic Council of the Alliance of Nations met to discuss the ATA issues with Trista Confederation. The Council ruled that the issues are between the ATA and the Trista Confederation. The council will be happy to mediate if the two sides decided to meet to negotiate the issues.

The government of Kisda reported that thieves attempted to gain access to their protected livestock area. The thieves did not get very far as the livestock area is patrolled by Wargs. The Wargs dispatched the thieves.

Another partial brass Minotaur has been discovered near the city of Lords. This time the Minotaur was almost complete. Only its feet and hands were missing.

376th day of the year

The Kenda government reports that hunters encountered what they are calling a Golden Hind in the forests near Draconic Splendor. The reports are being investigated. The speculation that this creature is the Golden Hind from the Tilos Mythology is running rampant through out Kenda.

The Haeflin government of Currerria on the continent of Vitainnia report that their scholars have translated additional scrolls from the Temple of the Blood King. It is not what the text state that Currerria are reporting on but what the scrolls are made of. Their diviners state that they are constructed of an oil or tar based material. Their scholars have never seen this before and I have no idea on how they were made. The text that was translated was a set of Rabbit recipes.

The city of Harven, capital city of Bryagel, announced that they would be exporting additional spider silk in TK 1052. They will increase from 1,000 tons a year to 3,000 tons a year. The reason for this increase is unclear.

378th day of the year

The government of Freeport (the city near the Temple of the Blood King) is happy to announce that their modern port facilities are now open. Freeport states that up to 60 ships can be docked load or unloaded at a time. This should assist in the high volumes of trade and traffic the city of Freeport has experienced over the past several months.

The Horde port city of Traga-Ban (Bay of Angels) announced that they have completed the building of a new class of ship. The Wartargen (Merchant Prince) class is designed to carry 5,000 tons in six separate holds. The Wartargen has six masts, paddle wheels powered by oxen or horses and two banks of oars on each side. She is crewed by 140 sailors. The Obsidian Sharks will begin sea trials shortly.

Merchants in Talis on the continent of Vitainnia announce that they will begin selling their ready olives starting on the 400th day of the year. The olive crop in Talis has recovered over the past seven years. The brined olives from Talis are considered a delicacy and have not been on the market for over 10 years.

380th day of the year

The Duke of Kallon announces that Devron Carter will represent the city of Kallon in the Skilled Games being hosted in the country of Tel' Narra in TK 1052. She will be competing in all of the events.

The government of Kavendar on the continent of Terla reports that a Reaper interrupted the wedding celebration of two of Kavendar's soldiers. The bride, Lurren, is an archery trainer for the Kavendar army and the groom, Cohen, is a lancer in the Kavendar army. The guests included both of their military units and several other members of the Kavendar military, including several mages. The Reaper never had a chance. The three users of magick decided to put the Reaper in a pit and cover the pit with several tons of stone that was created 32 feet above the pit. Gravity is a useful tool when dealing with Reapers.

It is reported from the country of Sharinnon on the continent of Kenda that a rebellion of farmers and merchants against the council of chiefs has been brutally put down with assistance from other nations in the Trista Confederation. It is estimated that over eight thousand citizens of Sharinnon have been killed in this uprising.

382nd day of the year

The government of Gregoria announced that it has constructed additional lodging buildings in the forms of state sponsored inns and taverns for the Mages' Games. The government of Gregoria also announced that the Hostelry Company of the Blue Horn Inn has agreed to open up a location in Gregoria in time for the Mages' Games.

The Duchess of Terralen on the continent of Terla announces that they are increasing their patrols on the costal grasslands as thieves have continued to plague the cattle herds of the country. It has been reported that 500 head of cattle have been stolen in the last three days.

The city-state of Koalh on the continent of Cellenda announces that it is developing a labor shortage and will require over 1,500 additional laborers in its fields and towns for TK 1052. They are currently accepting applicants to fill the various positions.

385th day of the year

The government of Grand Oak on the continent of Mednadda reports that a pride of Cave Lions has been discovered. The pride has over 25 cats in it. Scholars of Grand Oak are studying the great cats from afar.

Throughout the northern hemisphere, many villages, towns and cities are preparing for the winter holiday season. The year has been good to a great many. The outpourings of celebration are taking many forms.

In several Kendan towns and cities, the lampposts are being wrapped in garlands and multicolored ribbons.

In the country of Moshven, tin stars are being hung on yardarms and many street posts. In the Port of Silk, the Military Governess commissioned a special glass star to which she personally added a mage light inside to create a proper warm glow.

The High Queen of Azin has sponsored a new crèche for the Cathedral of Saint Mary's in Azin. The figures and objects are carved from blue granite and marble. She has commissioned an identical one and presented it as a gift to the holy city of the religion of the One True God.

Thousands of Pilgrims have begun their journey to the city of Bethlehem on the continent of Terla. The yearly journey to celebrate the birth of the Savior of the One True God has special meaning this year as the crisis with Azatar was avoided by what many are calling a great miracle.

Many followers of the religion of the Children of God are getting ready for their celebration of their Festival of Lights.

387th day of the year

The Wolf Brigades of house Tully in the country of Azin begin constructing their wintering camp at home. Their leader, Rory Tully, is preparing for his 18th birthday. On that date, he will ascend to his rightful station, become the Duke of his family's land, and succeed his parents as a Constable of Azin.

The Dukes of Kenda have combined their resources and have had commissioned a work comprised of Ice of a Sea Drake. The Sculpture is that of the High Queen and High King of Azin under the protective arched wings of a Fire Drake. The Dukes of Kenda presented this work to the High King and High Queen of Azin as a thank you for Azin’s support of Kenda in TK 1051.

The Duchess of Terralen announces to her people that the winter celebrations of the religions of the One True God and the Children of God will be celebrated equally as the celebrations of the religion of Azatar.

The combined governments of the Northern Shield report that 23 Reapers attempted to make landfall on the smaller island country of Iceda. The two governments combined their efforts and destroyed the Reapers. The rafts the Reapers were on were constructed of bamboo wood and ropes made of grass.

389th day of the year

The Kenda Dragon divisions report that a creature of legend called a Carpel has begun hunting travelers on the roads in Kenda. They will increase the number and frequency of patrols on the roads.

There was a border skirmish between the Neutral country of The Independent States of Kallor and the Trista Confederation country of Realm of the Azul Valley early this morning. Both countries have already sent official apologies to each other and all of their neighbors. What started the dispute between the border guards is not known. What is known is that 1,800 members of the Realm of the Azul Valley fighting force are in healing tents and only 15 from the Independent States of Kallor required minor first aid.

A report from the country of Currerria on the continent of Vitainnia states that a large creature has settled in Lake Cerepan. The lake is also referred as the inland sea of Vitainnia. The creature does not appear to be a drake or dragon of any form but it is definitely a reptile in nature. The creature measures more than 130 feet in length.

390th day of the year

The Elven Queen of the Realm of Long Wood on the continent of Kenda announces that her eldest daughter is with child and is due on Mid Summer's day.

The Merchant's Guild of Moshven has sponsored a new type of ship. This ship is designed to take passengers in style to their destinations. The new class of ship is being called a Luxury cruiser.

Several sailors from the Great Race of Terla are looking for work. The sailors are comprised of several races. After the race, many of them found themselves stranded on the continent of Terla.

391st day of the year

The City of Lords reports that a nine-year-old boy from the town of Southgate brought home a new pet. His mother was surprised to see the 3-foot tall eight-headed Hydra. She asked her son where did he find his new pet as the pet might have brothers and or sisters. Her child told her. She immediately went and found the local guards and informed them of the threat. The guards exchanged the boy's hydra for a 15-week-old puppy. The guards then found the Hydra nest with 18 unhatched and three hatched eggs. The guards dealt with the infant hydras and the nest. As they were finishing, the mother returned. The guards dealt with the mother as well. Injuries were severe, 22 out of the 50 guards required medical assistance.

392nd day of the year

The yearly dog sled race held in Northhold of Azin began.

393rd day of the year

The Ogres of the Northern Shield report that several shooting stars have appeared over the last two days.

The city guards of the city of Kallon in the country of Azin all report that they have seen the shadow of a drake on the streets and building walls of Kallon all day. The Lord Mayor of Kallon sent an armed messenger to the Artificer of Kallon to ask if he had anything to do with these strange sightings. The Artificer did not even know that there was such a strange occurrence in the city.

394th day of the year

Storm Hill, a community south of the city of Coventry, reports a sighting of 10 Reapers. The Coventry 1st Mounted is investigating this report.

395th day of the year

The country of Aphane has announced that they have discovered a second Cave of Crystals. The latest discovery is larger than the previous crystal cave discovered. It contains quartz crystals measuring over 500 feet long and 15 feet wide. There are also other minerals present including pipes of amethyst.

396th day of the year

The Argone', a Talis registered ship, disappeared in the port city of Cleves on the island nation of Trista. The ship was beginning to offload its cargo when it simply disappeared with all but six crewmembers on board. The six crewmembers were on the docks helping to off load its cargo of fine fortified wines when it vanished into thin air.

397th day of the year

General Grippa Lan won the local election to become part of the Talis senate. Grippa is the first military personnel to be elected to the Talis senate since before the Crisis with Talis. Grippa is filling a position that opened when Senator Jarrin Odin Darn died in his sleep at the age of 103 years old. No foul play is suspected.

398th day of the year

The government of the Southern Shield reports that their naturalists witnessed an unusual occurrence. A flock of penguins attacked a great shark that was hunting in their area. This is the first time that this behavior has been witnessed. The naturalists also had their own issue with a great shark in the area at this time of year.

399th day of the year

A Dwarven Alkymimann, Garthan ath Stone Cutter, believes he has discovered a way to prevent red fever outbreaks. Interest in his discovery and verification of its efficacy has been reported from many quarters.

400th day of the year

Sir Grant Ath Kenda discovered a Hydra nest on patrol in southern Kenda. He and his three squires dispatched the nest containing four eggs and its three-headed mother.

The language and trade fair is held at the capital city of Kavendar City.

401st day of the year

It is reported that in the town of Fang-ta in the Ob-T'ag (River of Heaven) region of the horde continent of Cimmeran three white buffalo caves are born. This is a sign of great change.

402nd day of the year

The city of Freehold in the magical Wasteland in Azin reports that a Mana storm uncovered an ancient shipwreck near the under-river entrance. The ship is a Wraith class warship from the Fourth War with the Horde.

403rd day of the year

The government of Kisda on the continent of the Northern Shield announced that they have completed an indoor arena for Field Cross that is illuminated by Light Moss and by Mage Light. The arena can hold 15,000 spectators. The arena has concession areas and provides all of the needs for the spectators and players alike.

A Knight from the Order of Saint Jude reported that he had encountered a creature that called itself a Gargoyle. This creature stopped several highwaymen from attacking the Knight and his party on the road to Dresden. The creature helped the wounded and then flew away. The authorities in Dresden admitted that this was not the first time they have heard stories concerning such creatures in the area.

404th day of the year

The Endarn Orca is an Orca Class Frigate that joined the Endarn Navy in TK 1044 engaged a Rogue Class ship in the Sea of Kenda. The Endarn Orca sank the mastless ship. No survivors of the Rogue Class ship could be found.

405th day of the year

The government of Kavendar announces that it will be doubling its merchant fleet in TK 1052 and is looking for sailors. The birth nationality of the sailor does not matter as the sailor swears an oath of loyalty to the merchant fleet of Kavendar. Many of the displaced sailors from the Great Race of Terla are applying for the Kavendar merchant fleet.

406th day of the year

The country of Currerria on the continent of Vitainnia reports that they have discovered structures from the days of the empire that ruled all of Vitainnia and most of the world. The government of Currerria was clearing way to construct a library of language studies when these ruins with tablets, scrolls, and books were found. The Haeflin government and its people believe this is a great sign for the library.

407th day of the year

The city of Freeport that contains the Temple of the Blood King in the country of Carwin on the continent of Xendarna reports that more than four million inhabitants now populate the city. The inhabitants include Elves, Dwarves, Humans, Haeflins, Orcs, Ogres, Centaurs, Saurians and other races.

408th day of the year

Reports from the great central forests of Cimmeran (a petrified forest) state that giant and huge Spiders have taken up residents in the ancient forest. The Military Governors are deciding on what to due about them. The ruling members of the Fortune Clan recommend harnessing them and harvesting their silk for use and profit.

409th day of the year

The city-state of Kreeden on the continent of Bryagel reports they have finished translating another 400 scrolls, tablets, and books from the Temple of the Blood King. One of the books is part of the Blood King's journal before he came to Alquennas. This book is being translated and copied.

410th day of the year

The Military Governess of Moshven has announced that she will be upgrading and increasing the port facilities of 20 more harbor cities in the country during TK 1052. These plans include creating five more dry docks and two sheltered harbors. In addition, she announced a great public works program for the 12 Score Island Chain. This will include creating port facilities on two of the largest islands in the chain.

The final Field Cross Game of TK 1051 for the championship was held between the city of Lords and the city of Azin. The city of Azin won 1 to zero in regulation time. Before the game began, the Artificer of the city of Kallon presented to the field cross marshal of Azin a new chrono-piece that is designed to keep accurate time for a Field Cross Game. It is being called a Game Clock.

411th day of the year

The Island of Three Sisters announces that, despite the winter weather, the Harbor of Nari's facilities have been upgraded to now allow for 40 ships to be serviced at one time. Additionally, two dry docks have been completed.

412th day of the year

The Island nation of Trista reports that three of their merchant ships have been sunk by an unknown force. The survivors stated that they were attacked by Skipjack class and Orca class ships without any ensigns flying.

415th day of the year

The Winter Fest begins. Duke Robert Frost has the honor of holding the TK 1051 Royal Family of Azin Winter Festival in his Dwarven-built Keep of Tor. It is announced that the Winter Fest for the Royal Family of Azin in TK 1052 will be held at the City of Lights in the Tullys' province of Aurora in Azin.

The sea elves of Fyngel reopen their two primary ship fields after months of updating their facilities.

417th day of the year

In a surprise, the artisans of Draconic Splendor presented a 160 foot in length statue of a Fire Drake to the Lady of Draconic Splendor. The most impressive part of this feat is how they moved the statue from where it was carved to where it now stands. They used block and tackle to move the statue the 14 miles, including the 1.5 miles up the mountains.

418th day of the year

There is much celebration in the Dwarven kingdom of Gemsten as twins, a daughter and son, are born into the royal family. Their naming ceremony will be on the 33rd day of TK 1052.

Stone's Rising on the continent of Mednadda announces that 11 Dragon Eggs have hatched. The Dragons are:
4 Fire Drakes, 3 Water Drakes, and 4 Forest Drakes

The leader of the church of the Religion of the One True God begins his yearly pilgrimage to where the savior was born.

The religion of the One True God celebrates the anniversary of the birth of their Savior.

Three Reapers appeared inside the Gates of the Keep of Tor. Rory Tully led the defense of the outer ward. He defeated one of the Reapers in single combat. The Tor Guards managed to drive off the other two Reapers. The soldiers of the Keep of Tor used smaller versions of Hell Fire Lances to drive away the Reapers. It should be noted that the Duke Heinrich of Dresden, as he charged towards the Outer Ward, stated, "I need to get me some of those!"

Lord Frost has ordered an investigation on how the Reapers were able to literally transport into the outer ward of his Keep. After several hours, the Arch Magus of Azin and his associates determined that the Reapers did not gain entry into the outer ward of the Keep of Tor by means of Magick.

At this discovery, the Arch Magus of Azin consulted with Alex ath Azin. They determined that the use of Psionics played a hand in the arrival of the Reapers into the outer ward of the Keep of Tor.

This year at the winter festival of Azin held at the Keep of Tor, it is held that the most outstanding gift given to everyone who was at the Keep of Tor, including the servants, was from Baroness Ashlyn Maria Elizabeth Ath Kent. She handed everyone a book. The book is a block print book. The book is entitled "Unusual Creatures of the Realms of Alquennas". She handed out over 600 copies of the book. She explained that all of the books took less than two weeks to create. The Queen herself seemed very interested in the process used.

The Oracle of Terla exited the Gate Portal of the Keep of Tor. She strongly suggested that she be taken to the Duchess Tully. Moments after the Oracle of Terla met with the Duchess Tully, the Oracle of Terla left using the Gate Portal to go back to Terla. Duchess Meg Tully summoned her son and they took a walk in the Winter Garden of the Keep of Tor.

422nd day of the year

Rory Tully, heir of the Tully family, announced that his elevation to Duke of the Tully clan would be delayed slightly. He will be elevated on Mid Summer's Day and not on his birthday, the 8th day of the New Year.

TK 1051 is now a Dream Departed
