Languages of Alquennas
All of the languages DF factors are from the point of view of a human learning the language. For a character's own language the DF factors are DF 1 for spoken and DF 1 for written.
Trade Speak (INT + BV) DF 2 Spoken DF 2 Written. Trade Speak A.K.A. Common contains roughly 5900 words that will allow basic concepts and price negotiations to take place. However at times of major Trade Treaties or Treaties of State a Haeflin Language Trader* will be used.
Human Languages:
- Kingdom (AZIN)
- Kindren
- High Lands
- Larton
- Telnar
- Caben
- Slaven
- Rittan
- Carva
- Draken-Tar
All humans learn their own language at a DF 1 Spoken and DF 1 Written. Humans will treat other human languages as foreign DF 2 Spoken and DF 3 Written. Elves learn the human languages at DF 3 Spoken and DF 4 Written. The Dwarves learn the Human tongues as DF 4 Spoken and DF 5 Written. Please note: if a character is a citizen of AZIN then there is a 35% chance they can both read and write, even if they are a serf.
Ancient Human Languages:
- Ancient Rule (DF 4 Spoken and DF 5 Written)
- Lorn (DF 5 Spoken and DF 6 Written)
- Cobolan (DF 7 Spoken and DF 7 Written) Very Rare and is a Mage Speech
- Ancient Kingdom DF 5 Spoken and DF 6 Written
- Bidden DF 5 df 6 written
- Ancient Lands DF 5 written df 6
- Ancient Telnar DF 6 written df 7
- Ancient Caben DF 5
- Ancient Salven DF 5
- Ancient Meddan df 5
The difficulty level for the Ancient human Languages are for humans and Elves. Add +1 difficulty for Dwarves in the spoken form only.
Ancient Kingdom Words all Characters Would Understand
Aventuras Quaerare - An Aventuras Quaerare is Ancient Kingdom for "Seeking Adventures" and is used to describe organized and unorganized military and knight adventures.
Aqua - Aqua is Ancient Kingdom for water. Also Liquidum, Unda, and Ros
Ad Fame - Ad Fame is Ancient Kingdom for "To Starve"
Cibum - Cibum is Ancient Kingdom for food. Also Culina, Cibus, Cibathas, and Panis
Fame - Fame is Ancient Kingdom for "starve"
Fames - Fames is Ancient Kingdom for famine
Fusta - Fusta is Ancient Kingdom for timber.
Viriditas - Viriditas is Ancient Kingdom that refers to the greenness of lie. The term is interchangeable with the term Mana.
Elven Languages:
- Eastern Elven (DF 5 Spoken and DF 6 Written)
- Western Elven (DF 5 Spoken and DF 6 Written)
- Ancient Elven (DF 6 Spoken and DF 7 Written)
If an Elf's own language is Eastern Elven then treat the Western Elven as a foreign language for the character. The Above DF factors are for Humans to learn Elven. Add a +1 DF for the Dwarves except in the ancient language.
Elven Words all Characters Would Understand
Osca - Osca is Elven for Oops
Dwarven Language:
Dwarven Language & Words
- Usage (DF 3 Spoken DF 4 Written)
- Formal (DF 4 Spoken DF 5 Written)
- Ancient (DF 5 Spoken and DF 6 Written)
A Dwarven Character will learn the Usage or Common Dwarven at a DF 1 Spoken and a DF 2 Written. The Same character will learn the ancient form of Dwarven at a DF 2 Spoken and a DF 3 Spoken.
Dwarven Words all Characters Would Understand
Dwarven Words all Characters Would Understand
Mat - Mat is Dwarven for food.
Sulte - Sulte is Dwarven for "Starve"
A Sulte - A Sulte is Dwarven for "To Starve"
Vann - Vann is Dwarven for water
Mage Speech:
DF 4 Spoken for the generic Mage Speech (Coniron).
The other Mage Speeches will be Listed with the appropriate Race (add +1 DF to any race other then the originating race to learn the Mage Speech of a particular race).
- Common spoken Tongue of the Underworld DF 7
Common written tongue of the underworld DF 8
- Challenge tongue of the Underworld
DF 8 Spoken
DF 9 Written
- Common Draconic
DF 8 Spoken
DF 9 Written
- Ancient Draconic
DF 9 Spoken
DF 10 Written
The Dragon Language, better known as Draconic, is probably the most difficult Language to learn. It is very unlikely that any character will have an actually Dragon to learn it from (especially a Human). There are several books on the subject. One such book is two hundred pages long. Its sole purpose is to instruct the reader on how to pronounce one word.
Languages of the Horde
Unless stated otherwise the challenge tongue will be used for mage speech language.
Horde Words all Characters Would Understand
Qytet - Qytet is the Horde formal word for city.
Supen - Supen is Horde for Oops
Tongue of God:
DF 7 Spoken and DF 8 Written, the Tongue of God is the language the clergy of the Horde use to speak with their gods and goddess.
Orcish Languages:
- Orcish Tongue DF 3 Spoken and DF 4 Written
- Tongue of Challenge DF 4 Spoken and DF 5 Written
- Orcish MAGE (ancient Orcish) Speak DF 5 and Written DF 6
The Tongue of Challenge is only used when a bargain is to be finalized or a challenge is to be given or accepted. The Dwarves learn the Orcish Languages at -1 DF to spoken and -2 DF to Written.
Orcish Words all Characters Would Understand
Uri - Uri is Common Orcish for famine
Uriran - Urian is Common Orcish for to cause famine
Mohoj - Mohoj is common Orcish for starve
I-Mohoj - I-Mohoj is common Orcish for "To Starve"
Q-Mohoj - Q-Mohoj is common Orcish for "To Make Starve"
Uje - Uje is common Orcish for water
Ushqim - Ushqim is common Orcish for food. Also haje, abd, artkuj, and ushqimor
Goblin Languages:
- Goblin DF 3 Spoken and DF 4 Written
- Tongue of Challenge DF 4 Spoken and DF 5 Written
- Goblin MAGE Speak DF 5 and Written DF 6
The Tongue of Challenge is only used when a bargain is to be finalized or a challenge is to be given or accepted. The Dwarves learn the Goblin Languages at -1 DF to spoken and -2 DF to Written.
- Gnoll Tongue DF 2 Spoken and DF 3 Written
- Tongue of Challenge DF 3 Spoken
Ogre Languages:
- Ogre Common DF 3 Spoken and DF 4 Written
- Ogre Ancient DF 5 Spoken and DF 6 Written, this is also the Mage Speech of the Ogres
- Hobgoblin DF 3 Spoken and DF 4 Written
- Tongue of Challenge DF 4 Spoken and DF 5 Written
- Hobgoblin MAGE Speak DF 5 and Written DF 6
- DF 3 Kobolds Spoken
- DF 4 Kobolds Written
- Bugbears DF 3 Spoken and DF 4 written
- Tongue of Challenge DF 5 Spoken and DF 5 written
- Bugbear priests speak the gods tongue for prays and miracles
- Kobold DF 3 Spoken and DF 4 Written
- Kobold Tongue of Contract DF 4 Spoken DF 5 Written
- Water Troll DF 3 Spoken and DF 4 Written
- Hill Troll or what is known as a Mountain Troll DF 3
Spoken & DF 4 Written
- Wood TROLL or what is known as a forest Troll DF 3
Spoken & DF 4 Written
There are Tolls that roam the great deserts of the world. These are not Sand Trolls there are no such thing. However one might encounter a Hill / Mountain or a Wood / Forest Toll in the desert. These would be Trolls in search of a new domain and food.
Over the centuries the Horde developed a common tongue that allowed for easier communications between the different member races of the horde. It is known as Horde Common Tongue. The culture of the Horde separates communications into two different areas, the everyday normal communications and the Tongue of Challenge. The Tongue of Challenge is used for important orders and when one is to challenge another in debate or combat. The Tongue of Challenge is only used when a bargain is to be finalized or a challenge is to be given or accepted.
Horde Common Tongue:
- Horde Common DF 3 Spoken and DF 4 Written
Horde Tongue of Challenge:
- Tongue of Challenge DF 4 Spoken and DF 5 Written
The Dwarves learn the Orcish Languages at -1 DF to spoken and -2 DF to Written
Minotaur Languages:
Minotaur DF 2 Spoken and there has never been any signs of a written language.
Centaur Languages:
Centaur DF 3 Spoken and DF 4 Written
Pegasus Languages:
They speak to people in the person's mind. It is said that the Pegasus race understands all languages. It is also known that if a Pegasus does not want to be understood then they will not be understood.
Unicorn Languages:
They speak to people in the person's mind. It is said that the Unicorn race understands all languages. It is also known that if a Unicorn does not want to be understood then they will not be understood.
Gryphon Languages:
The Gryphon speaks many Languages. It is said their own tongue is very difficult to speak DF 6 and no one knows if they have a written Language of their own.
Wyvern Languages:
Wyvern DF 3 Spoken and it is unknown if they have a written.
Nagas Languages:
- White DF 3 Spoken and DF 4 Written
- Black DF 3 Spoken and DF 4 Written
Saurian languages:
- Saurian Common* Spoken DF 3 and Written DF 5
- Saurian Native DF 6 Spoken and DF 7 Written
- Ancient Saurian DF 8 Spoken and DF 9 Written
The Saurian native tongue is very beautiful, containing clicks and tones that other races find difficult to produce. The Saurians created a simpler, less complex version of their language that is referred to as Saurian Common. To hear a Saurian speak is akin to hearing a musical performance.
Elves and Haeflins will learn the Saurian Native Spoken Language at a -1 DF (DF 5 spoken). The Dwarves learn Saurian at + 1 DF.
The language of the Saurian is a very beautiful language with many clicks and almost musical in nature. The average Saurian has a natural minimum Bardic Voice of 16.
Haeflin Language:
- Haeflin DF 3 Spoken and DF 4 Written
- Haeflin Ancient DF 4 Spoken and DF 5 Written
Haeflins learn all languages at -1 DF
* The Haeflins have a vocation called Language Trader, please view the Haeflin creation rules for more specific information.
Arkon Language:
- Arkon DF 2 Spoken and DF 3 Written
Arkon Words all Characters Would Understand
Cargan - Cargan is a word from the Arkon Language that means "more than10."
Scorpion Men Language:
- Scorpion Men DF 2 Spoken and DF 3 Written
Lizard Men Language:
- Lizard Men DF 2 Spoken and DF 3 Written
Mere folk DF 5 written DF 6
Saurian Salamons (Common) Spoken DF 3 written DF 4
Saurian Salamons (Native) spoken DF 5 written DF 6
Saurian Salamons (Ancient) spoken DF 7 written DF 8