Country of Stone's Rising

The country of Stone's Rising is comprised of six prefectures. These prefectures are:

The Prefectures of the Country of Stone's Rising
The Nord Prefecture
The Torden Prefecture
The Lyn Prefecture
The Ostlige Prefecture
The Slettene Prefecture
The Sorlige Prefecture

The population of Stone's Rising is mostly comprised of dwarves; however, there are Elven Woods and Haeflin settlements. The Elven Woods are:

The Elven Woods of the Country of Stone's Rising
Silver Cedar located in the
Nord Prefecture of Stone's Rising
Golden Cedar located in the
Torden Prefecture of Stone's Rising
Iron Cedar located in the
Lyn Prefecture of Stone's Rising
Ruby Cedar located in the
Lyn Prefecture of Stone's Rising
Copper Cedar located in the
Ostlige Prefecture of Stone's Rising
Sapphire Cedar located in the
Slettene Prefecture of Stone's Rising
Emerald Cedar located in the
Sorlige Prefecture of Stone's Rising

The Haeflin settlements in Stone's Rising are:

The Haeflin Settlements of the Country of Stone's Rising
Tradeton located in the
Torden Prefecture of Stone's Rising
Mildar located in the
Lyn Prefecture of Stone's Rising
Didar located in the
Sorlige Prefecture of Stone's Rising
