Palance Soap (Magical Element, Water and Fire, rated MR 6) - Palance Soap is produced in the city of Luxor in the country of Terralen. It is a fragrant soap that increase one's TSC% with regards to Charismatic Skills by neutralizing and masking any offensive odors from a character's body for 1 day. This only works for humanoid characters. It will not work on characters from monster races. The use increased the TSC% of Charismatic skills by 7%. It costs 1½ P per pound. Return to Top |
Paper Armor - Paper armor comes in two main varieties. The first is several sheets of paper that are bound together into one inch by 2-3 inch rectangles with a curve at one end. These sections are arranged like leaves to form a protective area. The second variety adds a varnish to the sections of paper, making them rock solid. These light weight compared to metal armor have a high protection value, in some cases as good as metal armor. The only drawback is that the paper armor is not as durable. Armor normally starts off with a 10% chance of breaking when overwhelmed. Paper armor starts off with a 35% chance. Return to Top |
Paper Boat Races - Many nations host paper boat races each year. It is a cultural event with many of the nations of the Alliance of Nations. The Azin National Paper Boat Races are held on the 5th day of summer each year. Return to Top |
Passed to the Next Realm - The phrase "Passed to the Next Realm" is used to describe that someone has died. Return to Top |
Passion Soap (Magical Element, Water and Fire, rated MR 2) - Passion Soap is created in the city of Luxor, in the country of Terralen on the continent of Terla. How it is made is a closely guarded secret. What is known is that the soap allows the user to increase their hold over someone when flirting, bargaining, or even seducing them. The effects of the Passion Soap will last one day for the user of the Passion Soap. It reduces the willpower AR% roll by -7% for those with whom the user of the Passion Soap is trying to negotiate. If enchanted the effects of the Passion Soap is doubled for the duration of one day. The cost for Passion soap is 400 P per pound and is rare in most shops (30%) and the cost for the magically enchanted Passion Soap is 1,400 P and is very rare to find (10%) in a shop. Return to Top |
Paths of Blood - Paths of Blood is a ballad of the telling of the sacrifice the Saurian 3rd Scale and the trackers of Azin made to buy time for the Alliance of Nations during the liberation of Dresden during the Fourth War With the Horde. Return to Top |
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Perceval and the story of the Chalice of the Savior - Perceval and the story of the Chalice of the Savior is a formal court dance created by Robin Thatcher to celebrate the quest of Perceval. The dance was first debuted in TK 1048. Return to Top |
Perversity - Perversity is a magical term. A state of perversity means that the balance of magick in an area is severely disrupted. One cannot perform magick or perform magick properly in an area of perversity. There are two forms of magical Perversity. They are Personal Perversity and Area Perversity.
Personal Perversity only affects a specific user of magick, usually after wielding a great deal of magick in a short period of time. This occurs by not allowing the mage to balance mystical and normal actions. This point is left up to the Game Master. Area Perversity affects anyone in a designated area; they will be unable to cast magick, or cast it properly. These areas are created by a great deal of magical energy erupting, exploding, or being used. Again, the amount and size of the area is up to the Game Master. Return to Top |
Phantom Class Warship - Trista began fielding a new class of warship in TK 1044. Not much is known except that these ships are powered by oars only. Trista sea engineers have completely removed masts from this design. There are three rows or oarsmen with 40 rows per side per row. The Phantom Class is cylindrical similar to that or the Northman long raiders. This allows the ship to reverse course without the need for turning the ship around. The design has a forward and aft castle where either a catapult or a ballista can be installed. Return to Top |
Philosopher's Stone - The Philosopher's Stone is the highest achievement that an Alchemist can achieve. In order to craft a Philosopher's Stone the Alchemist must have achieve total and complete understanding of his or her world and have mastered not only the 12 processes and methods of discovery. It is said that once an alchemist achieves creating a Philosopher's Stone, there is not anything they cannot create, change or manipulate. A Philosopher's Stone is attuned to the specific Alchemist. Another person cannot use it unless the Alchemist who created it specifically attunes the Stone to that person. If an Alchemist's Philosopher's Stone is destroyed, there is a back lash to its owner 7 + 5D10 points of energy damage. When an Alchemist dies, his Philosopher's Stone disintegrates. If a Philosopher’s Stone has been attuned to a specific individual, it will shatter when that individual perishes, not when the Alchemist dies. Return to Top |
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Piner - Piner is one that polices animals on a lord's land or within a settlement. Return to Top |
The Pink Elephant - The Pink Elephant is the name of a tavern in the city of Sterling in the province of Kent in the country of Azin. Return to Top |
Pipe Drivstoff - Pipe Drivstoff translates to Pipe Fuel. The Dwarven substance is used in their pipes. Other races find it too strong for them. If one consumes too much of its smoke, a narcotic effect will begin to take hold on them - especially Humans, Elves and Haeflins. Some healers will use the smoke to help ease the pain of wounded or sick individuals. Only the Dwarves grow pipe Drivstoff. A healer will need to pay or barter in the sum of 1,000 P for a single dose of this material. This single dose, if the fumes are inhaled, will relieve any pain in a non-Dwarven recipient for 24 hours. Pipe Drivstoff acts only as a mild relaxant for Dwarves. Return to Top |
Platoon - Platoon is a military unit in the human realms with 25 to 60 or 2+ squads of members. Return to Top |
Pleasure Garden - A Pleasure Garden or a Nobleman's garden is a garden of flowering plants for the pleasure of those living in the household. Return to Top |
Plita - Plita is a flat plate made of wood or metal that is secured under and forward of a ship's bow. It uses wave action to propel the ship through the water. Return to Top |
The Pointing Spoon - The Pointing Spoons are the earliest form of dry compass created in Kenda before BK 10,000. Return to Top |
PolCan - PolCan is a culture that is spread among several hundred islands in the Brea Ocean. Return to Top |
Polybolos - The Polybolos is a repeating ballista that had the ability to throw or launch multiple bolts per minute. By the use of a cam and gears, the device was able to be reloaded and step very quickly. Return to Top |
Polynas (Poll-ee-nuz) - A polyna is an area of open water in the pack ice. The polyna is an important feeding ground for marine animals. Return to Top |
Pope - Pope is the title given to the leader of the religion known as "The Religion of the One True God". Return to Top |
Porco Igni (Pig Fire) - Porco Igni, more commonly known as Pig Fire, is a mixture of rendered pig's fat, sulfur, and other combustible materials that once lit will burn over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit or roughly 1,093 Celsius. After 20 minutes' burning, bronze doors up to an inch thick will begin to melt. This substance was used in history to destroy bronze temple doors. Upon ignition, this combustible liquid will inflict 15 points of energy damage and 1 point of energy damage for every AP it is burning. The mixture burns four times longer than the same amount of wood. One quantity (4 oz.) can burn for over an hour and a half. One quantity costs 50 P. Return to Top |
Porten Portalen - Porten Portalen is dwarven for Gate Portal. Return to Top |
Porten Portalen Alene - Porten Portalen Alene or Poralen Alene is dwarven for Gate Portal Traveler. Return to Top |
Pound Gate - A Pound Gate, first developed by the Dwarves of Kenda, allows a lock canal system to raise and lower watercraft over great distances. The maximum distance the locks can move a watercraft vertically is twelve feet. When crossing a hill or mountain, several locks might be needed. Return to Top |
"Pound Gates and Other Hydro Technologies" - "Pound Gates and Other Hydro Technologies" is a book that explores the creation, use, and impact of Canal Pound Gates and other Water Technologies found in the realms of Alquennas. Return to Top |
Powa - Powa is another name for Aldous, the female deity of Prosperity on Alquennas. She is known as either the Jolly Merchant or the Rich One. Her emblems are either a Sky Cat or a Golden Eagle. Return to Top |
Pride of Endarn - The Pride of Endarn is the flagship of the small fleet of Endarn. Endarn acquired this modified Specter h Class ship when the Horde Union attempted to acquire Endarn a few years ago. Return to Top |
Prima Materis - Prima Materis is an alchemical term referring to the formless congestion of all of the elements before the creation of life. Return to Top |
Promise Stone - Promise Stone is a term used in the human realms for a gift a male gives to his beloved. The different cultures of Alquennas use different stones and metal combination for the Promise Stone. The Promise Stone is also known as the Heart Sake, the Love Stone, to name a few.
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Protectorate - A Protectorate is a territory of autonomous control being protected either militarily or diplomatically or both by a more powerful entity or state against third parties. The protectorate in most cases accepts obligations, duties, and/or specific conditions to be protected. An example of this is the island of Carrgan off the coast of Moshven. Carrgan is a protectorate of Moshven. Return to Top |
Prophet's Rock - Prophet's Rock is a holy place 20 miles northeast of Ka' Tal in the country of Terralen. It is said that the Prophet of Azatar ascended to heaven while standing on Prophet's Rock. It is also the location where the Prophet of Azatar taught his people. Prophet's Rock is not located in the country of Azatar. Return to Top |
Psion - Psion is a term used to describe someone with Psionic abilities. Return to Top |
Psionics - Psionics is a term used for a set of mental abilities that allows a character to manipulate the world, using only the power of the mind. A character with Psionic abilities is often referred to as a Psion.
Psionics are real in the Living World of Alquennas. For additional information on creating a Psionic character, please see the Character Creation: Section 7: Special Ability Table. Return to Top |
Pure (alchemical) - Pure (Alchemical) refers to a substance that has been purified by the 12 alchemical processes. Return to Top |
Pursuivant - A Pursuivant is an officer of arms. A Pursuivant reports to a herald. A Pursuivant's duties are similar to that of a herald's. Return to Top |
Puste Brann - Puste Brann (Breath Fire) is one of the foundations of the dwarven Runic Priests and Runic Mages on Alquennas. It is the theory, method, and philosophy of the understanding of the world and how to protect it. Return to Top |
![]() The Pyre Rose is a common plant in the wasteland. Unlike its sister, the Forlorn Rose, the Pyre Rose blooms throughout the entire year. An infant (0-2 years) Pyre Rose plant will have 1 D10 2 blossoms on it, and will be 6 inches to 10 feet in length. An adult Pyre Rose plant (3-15 years) will have 2 D10*2 blossoms on it, and will be 11 feet to 200 feet. An ancient Pyre Rose plant (16 years and above) will have 6 D10*2 blossoms on it and will be more than 200 feet. Again, not like its sister the Pyre rose is a climber. The Pyre rose will climb any vertical or horizontal surface. The longest Pyre rose discovered was over just over 1000 feet. The Pyre rose has many uses. Among the more interesting is a glass sphere (must be glass sphere) filled with petals from a Pyre Rose and sprinkled with one quantity of oil (olive works the best) will illuminate and cast light (torchlight) for 2 D10 days. After the petals go dim, they can be pressed into rose oil worth 190 p per pint. If the petals are still illuminating and are pressed into rose oil, the rose oil is worth 4 Cr. per pint. The rose oil from illuminating petals helps to heal scars and lacerations. The oil takes 12 hours to work. The oil will heal 2 D10 points of damage for lacerations. Return to Top |